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Ridding the house of the 'extra residents'??


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I have read a lot of posts about various spiders and flies which seem to be more of a nuisance than a menace. Just something to be aware of and get used to. However, from previous experience is there anything that can be done to minimise the numbers that frequent the house?


It would be nice to hear 1, what products 2, how often and where to use them!!


Thanks guys.

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Please don't start filling the atmosphere with insecticide, please, please don't.


Place a chestnut on the floor in the corner of the room, that will keep the spiders away. Alternatively, some pot pouri with some chestnut oil in.

Crush some bay leaves and put them in a container punched with holes to keep the pantry moths down.

Flies - that's really just good hygiene - don't leave food stuff out, don't have a large bin and empty it frequently (preferably into the compost or the wormery)

Fruit flies - will invade as soon as any fruit is left out so keep it sealed or in the fridge.

Roaches - Catnip or diatomaceous earth sprinkled behind appliances or any dark place.

Ants - hate cucumber and mint. Place a some outside the house at the point of entry.


Anything else?

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Please don't start filling the atmosphere with insecticide, please, please don't.


Place a chestnut on the floor in the corner of the room, that will keep the spiders away. Alternatively, some pot pouri with some chestnut oil in.

Crush some bay leaves and put them in a container punched with holes to keep the pantry moths down.

Flies - that's really just good hygiene - don't leave food stuff out, don't have a large bin and empty it frequently (preferably into the compost or the wormery)

Fruit flies - will invade as soon as any fruit is left out so keep it sealed or in the fridge.

Roaches - Catnip or diatomaceous earth sprinkled behind appliances or any dark place.

Ants - hate cucumber and mint. Place a some outside the house at the point of entry.


Anything else?


So impressed Port...... I do some of these but didnt know all. Thanks so much for your post.

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Actually all of those ^ suggestions are about prevention, making your home a place where the insects and spiders simply don't want to enter and they are extremely effective.

A lot of the sprays have a very limited span of effectiveness, tend to kill and aim to eradicate and are indiscriminate in the way that they do it, eliminating creatures that are harmless and beneficial.

Surely, if you have a phobia the most reassuring and effective method of managing that is to reduce the chances of being exposed to the trigger? By spraying harmful and damaging insecticides, particularly reactive methods rather than proactive management, it doesn't really seem to me to be doing a great deal to reduce exposure?

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No, some people have a genuine phobia and with the best will in the world natural alternatives are much less effective at actually keeping them outside.


Yes I can understand phobias, and mine is cockroaches and red back spiders, so every single one of them that dares to even cross my patio or try to come inside, is instantly squashed with whatever heavy comes to hand! We rarely have insects in the house, but we do have a family of Guekkos (cute little things) who wander at will around the outside of the house and occasionally pay us a visit indoors, and I am sure they keep everything creepycrawlie under control. I use citronella and sandalwood to keep the mossies away (candles, oil burners and sticks), but never use chemicals in any way to control the "wildlife". We get the occasional fly indoors who "freeloads" on someone's back when they come in, but we are all brilliant aims with the fly swat. When we gained our Citizenship way back in the early 90's, a friend gave us an "Ozzie pack" and part of it was an Oz shaped fly swat..... and we still use it when needed!

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Yes I can understand phobias, and mine is cockroaches and red back spiders


Chestnut is such an effective method of controlling spiders and a few scattered around your patio will keep them away. Alternatively, fill a small muslin pouch with cotton wool or fabric soaked in Chestnut essential oil and hang them outside. It's like witchcraft, they just hate it.


The diatomaceous earthis pretty easy to find and is great at managing a whole range of bugs.

It's great for fleas if you have dogs or cats. Make sure you buy food grade and not the stuff from hardware stores unless it clearly states it's okay for animals. Follow the instructions, do it outside, don't breath in the dust and wear a mask but it is extremely effective and cheap.

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Chestnut is such an effective method of controlling spiders and a few scattered around your patio will keep them away. Alternatively, fill a small muslin pouch with cotton wool or fabric soaked in Chestnut essential oil and hang them outside. It's like witchcraft, they just hate it.


The diatomaceous earthis pretty easy to find and is great at managing a whole range of bugs.

It's great for fleas if you have dogs or cats. Make sure you buy food grade and not the stuff from hardware stores unless it clearly states it's okay for animals. Follow the instructions, do it outside, don't breath in the dust and wear a mask but it is extremely effective and cheap.


Thanks v. much for the tip about chestnut oil. I would prefer to keep the spiders out. Safer for them and no dramas for us:notworthy:

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Thanks for responses, seems a bit of a mixed bag as far as opinion on chemicals Vs more natural remedies... I am a bit of a nature and wildlife enthusiast myself and would prefer not to kill but to prevent. I guess they were there first!!! I suppose for me, it depends on how effective the methods prove to be. Is it easy to get hold of the chestnuts and chestnut oil then? Sounds like a fairly rare item!!

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If there's one thing I'm looking forward to our move to OZ its the wildlife , I'm a natural history geek cant wait to see up close and personal all the great things down under and that includes all the bugs . I was forever lifting stones and rocks and looking under things for stuff to find, still do , but the wife runs a mile from everything and my daughter is a bit of both .

I cant say we will welcome the bugs into our home as I can see the missus waiting out side till I get home to get them back out but the tips I've read on here could come in handy, any more please let us know

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Tango Zulu Bravo Echo Delta Foxtrot Yankee Doodle Dandy!

Report 8 months in - Defense of our little bit of territory within Australia

Military Style Operation Critter Control


Husband briefed on Critter Control on 3 monthly basis without fail - attendance is not an option - severe penalties apply for non attendance


Perimeter of house defended with spray - check

Outside and inside door frames defended with spray - check

Outside and inside window sills defended with spray - check

Outside patio sun shade area defended with spray - check




Redback spiders seen 0

Silvertail spiders seen - 0

Hunstmen spiders seen - 0

Blue tongue lizard 1 - he lives in the garden

Geckos inside house - 2 babies will not neutralize them- we are not baby killers :cute:

Geckos outside house - lots will not neutralize them


Special forces SAS style cockroaches inside - 6 to-date there must be a training camp in the vicinity! Husband briefed on these breaches within out perimeter defenses


I am still to-date awaiting sightings of a red back silver tail and a huntsman despite many forays into unknown territory - mens area aka the garage haha I think military training or not I think I will yell on sight. I do not mind if I am lowered in rank to chief cook and bottle washer hehehehe

happy days


ps the other wildlife here is amazing

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Guest guest9824

Red backs, we have a few under the patio, they like hot metal (no that's not a thrasher metal band) they get the brush and boot treatment.

Huntsmen left alone, they hunt mostly all the critters we try to kill.

Roaches hate them, sprayed I'm afraid. We also use citronella outside, mossy coils etc.

Have a blue tongue lizard that sweeps up and looks at me through the patio door, frightens the life out of me sometimes.

Lots of geckos that sneek in through the gaps of the doors sometimes and I get my dustpan and brush and gently pick them up and return them outside.

Had a brown snake in the garden, that just slithered away somewhere!!!

Tawny frogmouth bird in the trees once, amazing!

Bandicoots all over the place

Black parrots, 28s, laurakeets, kookies......not Perth Zoo, my backyard!



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I created a thread with the same title as this one once, although in my case, it was referring to the Mother in Law who graces us with her presence for 3 months at a time. I'll put some chestnuts under her bed next time she's here, will report back if it works...

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Guest guest9824
I created a thread with the same title as this one once, although in my case, it was referring to the Mother in Law who graces us with her presence for 3 months at a time. I'll put some chestnuts under her bed next time she's here, will report back if it works...



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Guest guest9824
Tango Zulu Bravo Echo Delta Foxtrot Yankee Doodle Dandy!

Report 8 months in - Defense of our little bit of territory within Australia

Military Style Operation Critter Control


Husband briefed on Critter Control on 3 monthly basis without fail - attendance is not an option - severe penalties apply for non attendance


Perimeter of house defended with spray - check

Outside and inside door frames defended with spray - check

Outside and inside window sills defended with spray - check

Outside patio sun shade area defended with spray - check




Redback spiders seen 0

Silvertail spiders seen - 0

Hunstmen spiders seen - 0

Blue tongue lizard 1 - he lives in the garden

Geckos inside house - 2 babies will not neutralize them- we are not baby killers :cute:

Geckos outside house - lots will not neutralize them


Special forces SAS style cockroaches inside - 6 to-date there must be a training camp in the vicinity! Husband briefed on these breaches within out perimeter defenses


I am still to-date awaiting sightings of a red back silver tail and a huntsman despite many forays into unknown territory - mens area aka the garage haha I think military training or not I think I will yell on sight. I do not mind if I am lowered in rank to chief cook and bottle washer hehehehe

happy days


ps the other wildlife here is amazing



Elfie please tell us what the severe penalties are for non attendance.....very interested!:biggrin:

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Guest guest9824
hahahahah pea :: james bond super spy style::if i told you id have to kill you lololol:wink:
Ohhhh Elfie, you are awful, but I like you! ( dick emery styly), hehePea Edited by guest9824
Wrong wording...ma bad!
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