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Everything posted by Nicos7

  1. Good look verystormy. I bet it will feel right when you land back home. We'll wait in Australia West or East for another 2 1/2 years until we can get citizenship, this is mainly for our daughters benefit, so she can go and live in NZ or oz no problem when she's older & then we'll be out of here.
  2. Where East are you looking, are you looking QLD way?
  3. Ours work fine, is your phone unlocked though?
  4. There is a little section of beach at Trigg that is quite sheltered and would probably be ok, it's opposite a little car park and the park area with the bbq's. If not then just a little further up the road there are lots of little coves, all sheltered and lots of rocks, Mettams Pool always looks popular with families. Have fun!
  5. Also if you are over 30 Masters Athletics WA have runs every Sunday morning, always in different places so not feasible to go to every one but they do have a few up Joondalup region. Park run also at Lake Joondalup every Saturday....really well organised and brilliant atmosphere.
  6. I found out by post Ben, they sent a letter to say they had received my application and said they'd write again when it was approved, which they did.
  7. I was registered when I started applying. I wasn't implying that anybody should lie about being registered, I was just saying I put a closing line saying that I had pr and that I was already registered with TRBWA.
  8. I did. Just had to post everything off from UK. Also put that I was registered into my letters, not sure if it helped or not!
  9. Keep trying from the UK, I and someone I work with were interviewed over the phone and secured jobs before we came out. I found the application letters really hard. Some schools liked mine, others didn't. I tried to tailor each of my letters to the school I was applying to and as Sammy said addressed the selection criteria in the advert. I also tried to mention something I had seen on the school's website or in the Principal's section on the website just so they could tell I'd taken the time to do some research. I think at the bottom of each job advert on jobswa there is a link to some examples of applications. Good luck with everything!
  10. If you can wait until xmas or boxing day to fly out then flights will be cheaper than other days around that time. We found somewhere to stay on airbnb, was difficult though but we didn't start looking until end of Sept!
  11. It's all changed since last year then. Might be easier to do it in person when you arrive then you don't have to worry about getting anything certified??
  12. Think I just put n/a on some things that I couldn't fill in. I had a solicitor certify my docs but luckily she was a friend so didn't have to pay. Think there are others that can sign them but from what i can remember the list didn't have many ppl on that a lot would know! Judge etc. The only thing I found was I wasn't really clear on what documents they needed so basically just sent everything I had! Cost about 10 quid to post but did recorded delivery or something similar. Make sure you apply for non-practising:intending to teach. Once you have done 100 days in school you are eligible for full rego and your school will sign you off. Good luck with it all.
  13. Thanks! Had 3 training days last week and felt quite overwhelmed but just focusing on students now and everything else will fall into place....I hope! Good luck to you too! Xx
  14. Tip for driving licence- you need 5 pieces of id. We waited until our proper medicare cards had come through and used them as one piece. We also used passport, lease agreement, bank statement and bank card. Think you can also use birth certificate. Nicola
  15. We'd never been to WA. I'd never been to Oz at all, hubby had been to the east side before. Like Porty, think we'd have gone somewhere out of the UK if we hadn't of come here and still might if things don't work out here but so far so good! [emoji6]
  16. I once read somewhere that flights were always cheaper to book on a Tuesday....no idea why!
  17. Thanks Rossy! I'm teaching in Mindarie.
  18. Thank you for your good luck wishes!x
  19. Lady we are staying with in woodvale has her own little salon at her house. Can pm you her details later if you want?
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