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Which Cake?


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Guest guest9824
:biglaugh: all of them


Actually, with coffee I love something with almonds. Something like this;




i make a mean bakewell tart, it's a heart stopper! I love frangipan. Almond slices mmmmmm


Any cake really but I'm not much of a fruit cake :biggrin:lover!


I make a good choc sponge with sour cream, nigella recipe, so it's glorious, then I smother it with chocolate icing and put Ferrero rocher on the top, again it's a heart stopper!


Love love love cake!



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Guest guest9824
Love melting moments, lemon merigue, all that Bean loves, vanilla slices, chocolate eclairs, do nuts, Basically most cakes but not nuts sorry porty

NO NUTS?.??......:frown::sad:

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i make a mean bakewell tart, it's a heart stopper! I love frangipan. Almond slices mmmmmm


Any cake really but I'm not much of a fruit cake :biggrin:lover!


I make a good choc sponge with sour cream, nigella recipe, so it's glorious, then I smother it with chocolate icing and put Ferrero rocher on the top, again it's a heart stopper!


Love love love cake!




I love bakewell tart, that's what I was referring to but I couldn't remember what it was called. A good home made one is divine.

I like the Nigella Guinness and chocolate cake, have you tried that? It's the easiest cake I've ever made and turns out perfect every time. I like mine a little bit sticky in the middle so adjust the oven temp so it's a little lower. The sides go tiny bit dry and crumbly and the middle is still gooey - Mmmmm

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I love cake. I love eating them and baking them. I LOVE CAKE!!!!!! If it has almonds in it even better.


I make a delicious almond sponge with cherries in it, topped with almond icing and shredded coconut. I can't walk past the tin without stopping to cut a bit off. Cake never lasts in our house very long. My husband said he married me because I could bake cakes, unlike his mother! We raised two boys who have inherited our cake munching obsession, hence the tin is often empty! Better get baking....

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Guest guest9824
I love bakewell tart, that's what I was referring to but I couldn't remember what it was called. A good home made one is divine.

I like the Nigella Guinness and chocolate cake, have you tried that? It's the easiest cake I've ever made and turns out perfect every time. I like mine a little bit sticky in the middle so adjust the oven temp so it's a little lower. The sides go tiny bit dry and crumbly and the middle is still gooey - Mmmmm


I make a really short crust pastry base, smear lovely Bon mamen raspberry conserve on, dot a few fresh raspberries on too, frangipan on, sliced almonds, then when cooked and cooled drizzle with icing....sometimes put a few cherries on top too...depends how I'm feeling....cherries or cherriless...



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I make a really short crust pastry base, smear lovely Bon mamen raspberry conserve on, dot a few fresh raspberries on too, frangipan on, sliced almonds, then when cooked and cooled drizzle with icing....sometimes put a few cherries on top too...depends how I'm feeling....cherries or cherriless...




When should I come over?

The thing is, I can't do raspberries, the little pips annoy the bejeezus out of me. Can you make it with strawberry?

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Guest guest9824
When should I come over?

The thing is, I can't do raspberries, the little pips annoy the bejeezus out of me. Can you make it with strawberry?


You can but not quite the same, strawberry jam is a but forgettable in this but raspberry....oh you'll never forget it...especially the pips! :biggrin:...it is a heart stopper, I kid you not, but ver ver good...

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I make a really short crust pastry base, smear lovely Bon mamen raspberry conserve on, dot a few fresh raspberries on too, frangipan on, sliced almonds, then when cooked and cooled drizzle with icing....sometimes put a few cherries on top too...depends how I'm feeling....cherries or cherriless...




pea, we are over in May. Do you think you can get one ready for late May? Is that enough notice? :laugh:


P.s. With cherries will be appreciated!

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A lobby is a bit like a stew, you put all the veg ,meat,etc in but cook it slowly on the hob. It is a stoke on trent term, we also eat loads of oatcakes which are not cakes at all , but delicious with cheese,bacon,tomato all wrapped up like a fajita

I'm assuming you don't eat the lobby with the cheese tomato and bacon in a wrap??!! haha xxxx

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Just finished work and read your lists of lovely, scrummy cakes...yum!!! I can't wait until our welcome barbie followed by LOTS OF CAKE! Maybe we should start a variation on the 'Pudding Club' and start our own 'Cake Club' where we all bring a different cake and eat mainly cake!


Mines a chocolate cake, Victoria sponge, brownie or bakewell tart...I do love a good tart :biggrin:

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