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Big thanks to POM Queen for suggesting that i also sign up over here.

i currently run my own are conditioning company and i am time served engineer for 24 years. I have also done my Nebosh certificate in health and safety, environmental management, construction health and safety and fire safety all level 3. was hoping to come out on skilled visa as an air conditioning engineer. I have already contacted some companies from their adverts on Seek to see if they will sponsor me. However i am also looking at just making the application myself, still looking at agents also its all so much to take in and feel like i have drunk a whole 2ltr bottle of full sugar soda and a big bag of sherbet the way my head is spinning. I also need to do some research to ensure the wage i will be earning will cover being able to have a life and not just get by.

So many questions buzzing around but so excited i could burst. By the time the visa application has taken its toll i am sure the excitement will be despair

I turn 40 in May so need to get a shimmy on so need to book the IELTS, i carried out the reading test online and got 79% while taking phonecalls at work so hopefully will be okay.

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Thanks for the welcome, will have to pull my finger out and get started. i did start trying to fill out the visa myself and got to the point where it said if you have not done the skills test or english test you will not be considered. Really tempted to use an agent for the speed side / the whole thing seems daunting and agent would help as they do this all the time. as above i do turn 40 in May so will lose 10 points if i do not start now. Or will i just lose that anyway as the process takes so long ?

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Alan @ Go Matilda - http://www.gomatilda.com/

George @ George Lombard Consultancy - http://www.austimmigration.com.au/site/

Tee @ Taylor Made Immigration - http://www.taylormadeimmigration.com/


All are MARA registered, are active members (not advertisers, I hasten to add) of the various forums we run, are often recommended by other members. Don't think you'd go wrong with any of them. I'm sure the members will be able to recommend others as well.

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Thanks i have contacted them, by what you have on your signature you must be off soon.


Thanks Jason


Starting to think i wont get invited before i turn 40 so may have to find some extra points.


the part that took the longest for us was the skills assessment( see signature) once we lodged our expression of interest we were invited to apply really quickly. crack on with the skills assessment, plenty of time until may ;-)

bean x

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Ok just printed of the paperwork for the TRA skills assessment and WOW info required :shocked: wages slips (dont Keep) run my own buisness employeed not self employed as its a limited comapny so with out wage slips i hopefully have my P60 if not wrighting a letter for my own employement may not fly. i am sure there must be people who have had the same issues as myself? Seems like i will have to do the IELTS as need 10 points seems air conditioning has lost points over the years. Just reading the check list has panic already set in.

Think i will sit the IELTS first as if i dont get the 10 points no point spending $1000.00 and the $900.00 to get the results (wow Even Dick Turpin wore a mask:biglaugh:) if i am stuck on 50 points. Will have to start trawling the net for test papers. Will have to ask the agents i am contacting if i can get points from dual skills as i have qualifications for safety advisor which is also on the list.

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Feeling a bit deflated at the moment, i have spoken with an agent and because i am not going to get my skills assessed before i turn 40 in May I am short on points, which basically means i have to get all 8's on the IELTS to get my 190 visa or i have to get all 7's to get 489 visa which i believe from reading on here do not get accepted too often. Also been checking out the job situation and seems that £80,000.00 is the rate for air conditioning engineer, we could probably just about live on this from the research I have carried out and i have said to my wife that she would probably have to get a job, however she has only administration experience which is not on the list and as i understand it is quite hard to get a job for someone without required skills and not an Australian.

Writing this I feel even more gutted as I know I should have done this years ago when I had a job offer and could have walked the points, torn between spending all the money to do this then getting to Perth and realising that we can’t live.

I have the IELTS on 15th Feb so all will rest on that.

We are looking at booking a week out in Perth to come and have a look around as never been and think this maybe a good idea before spending the thousands before coming out.

Have I just read too many bad posts or do I have genuine concerns with my current situation ?

Sorry I know it’s a lot in one post, maybe worth me reposting this post in Migration Issues coming to think about it

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Hi Jason,


Don't feel disheartened, If its something you really want to do then just go for it. We've got a 190 visa (OH also a/c and refrigeration) so have just been through the whole process.


Re IELTS, my hubby had to get min of 7 for each, he knew his weakness was writing as he had never written an essay as left school at a young age and has worked own way up. He was stressed about it. He did have to do it twice as as suspected writing (only) let him down so we hired a tutor for 4 sessions he did it again and passed all sections (7 & 8s but that's all he needed). What im trying to say is its doable and if English is your first language anyway your at an instant advantage as the same test is used for all, just do some swotting up so you know what to expect.


I don't know your lifestyle but i expect $80k is very livable, we've worked out we can live on less than that if needs be (couple and toddler and one on way), might not be flush but we're not here in the UK and yet we still manage to eat and go on the occasional holiday etc!


Its hard not to compare salary to the UK and what you need here to enjoy life. I may be wrong but my guess is its unlikely you'd buy straight away as you need to sum up areas and I've been told by a few people that although you may desire a large house with all the trimmings (which one day you may have), when you settle in to life the materialistic things we crave in the UK (as we spend so much time in our homes sheltering from the weather) are not quite so important over there - except a decent BBQ. I know some things out there are more costly but what costs more in oz is made up by the fact that you just need to step outside and enjoy for free!


(although I may be completely nieve!)

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you are not naive Bridges, you can spend as little or as much as you want to have a great lifestyle, the sun is free, the beach is free, the parks are free, etc etc.

and 80k is ok, maybe not the big 3 storey with 10 bedrooms , balconies and pool but a lovely house in a lovely neighbourhood within easy drive to work and the beach and who knows.....

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Feeling a bit deflated at the moment, i have spoken with an agent and because i am not going to get my skills assessed before i turn 40 in May I am short on points, which basically means i have to get all 8's on the IELTS to get my 190 visa or i have to get all 7's to get 489 visa which i believe from reading on here do not get accepted too often. Also been checking out the job situation and seems that £80,000.00 is the rate for air conditioning engineer, we could probably just about live on this from the research I have carried out and i have said to my wife that she would probably have to get a job, however she has only administration experience which is not on the list and as i understand it is quite hard to get a job for someone without required skills and not an Australian.

Writing this I feel even more gutted as I know I should have done this years ago when I had a job offer and could have walked the points, torn between spending all the money to do this then getting to Perth and realising that we can’t live.

I have the IELTS on 15th Feb so all will rest on that.

We are looking at booking a week out in Perth to come and have a look around as never been and think this maybe a good idea before spending the thousands before coming out.

Have I just read too many bad posts or do I have genuine concerns with my current situation ?

Sorry I know it’s a lot in one post, maybe worth me reposting this post in Migration Issues coming to think about it


Dont worry. Most people need ILETS for points. Do some study and you will be fine.


I have not heard 489 having major issues other than the state sponsorship comes out at particular times of year - that may mean a long or short wait depending on when you submit. If it is a 489, your wifes occupation does not have to be on the list. Only yours and do not assume that the lists are a representation of the job availability.


With salary, $80k is fine and i imagine there would be option of overtime as well. A lot of people forget the average salary in Perth is less than $60k. As others have said, your not going to be living in a mansion on that. But you will lead a fairly normal life on that.To put it in persepctive, everyone says working in mines is great money - well thats about the same as a lot of underground miners get and $10k below truck drivers in mining.


It might be worth your wife working part time to fund some extra treats, but i say that as i think it would also be good for her to help her make friends and meet people.


The only negative is that if you end up on a 489, then you will need to live in a regional area. The closest to Perth is Mandurah. Which would mean a realy hard life - all them beaches, more affordable housing, playing with the dolphins, wandering down the stunning foreshore on an evening in a pair of shorts and grabbing an icecream. Hard life :biggrin:

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Dont worry. Most people need ILETS for points. Do some study and you will be fine.


I have not heard 489 having major issues other than the state sponsorship comes out at particular times of year - that may mean a long or short wait depending on when you submit. If it is a 489, your wifes occupation does not have to be on the list. Only yours and do not assume that the lists are a representation of the job availability.


With salary, $80k is fine and i imagine there would be option of overtime as well. A lot of people forget the average salary in Perth is less than $60k. As others have said, your not going to be living in a mansion on that. But you will lead a fairly normal life on that.To put it in persepctive, everyone says working in mines is great money - well thats about the same as a lot of underground miners get and $10k below truck drivers in mining.


It might be worth your wife working part time to fund some extra treats, but i say that as i think it would also be good for her to help her make friends and meet people.


The only negative is that if you end up on a 489, then you will need to live in a regional area. The closest to Perth is Mandurah. Which would mean a realy hard life - all them beaches, more affordable housing, playing with the dolphins, wandering down the stunning foreshore on an evening in a pair of shorts and grabbing an icecream. Hard life :biggrin:



LOL thats the hard life i am looking for, i am not scared of overtime i currently do 12 -14 hour days but would like to drop that down a bit or no point as i can do them sort of hours over here in the cold :)

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I dont think you "need" that much overtime on $80k. It really is a reasonable income. It would be a monthly income of just over $5k ($61k a year). You can get a good rental for about $400 a week. That would be about 1/3 of income, which is about what most people are in. It would leave about $40k a year to live on. I live 50 meters from the ocean and pay $325 a week for a 3 bedroom with pool townhouse - though we dont mind living a bit further out as we like the peace. Though we are in crawling distance of the bar and restaurant of the golf club:)


Depending on your size and make up of family you may also qualify for some benefits. A bit of overtime now and then and it would be holiday money or something. Add on the possibility of your wife doing something part time and all of a sudden things are looking very sweet indeed.


I dont know your industry, but given that new homes are pretty much all now built with air con, i would imagine you are going to find getting a job pretty easy no matter where you live.

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