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Emigrating this year!!


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So 12 years after we first visited Perth as backpackers straight out of uni we are finally making the move across the world as our visa has been granted. Many things have happened to keep us in the UK for longer than we hoped but the time is nearly here and I am so excited but slightly daunted by the whole prospect, there is just so much to do! When I say we, there is my husband who is an IT Consultant doing GIS work, myself and our 2 children (3 and 1). I hope OH gets work before we go out and then I am going to look for something once we are get there and once the kids are slightly more settled.


We are hoping to come out in September and OH is currently getting his CV up to scratch, is anyone else in the same field and do you know of any good recruitment consultants that might be able to help? He knows of a few sites to look at and there are a few jobs being advertised so at least that is positive! I am not sure what I am going to do when I am out there, I am a marketing and events exec by trade here but not sure I will be able to stay in the field as will be looking for part time work.


I have started looking at where we might want to start off in Perth, we will probably have a short term let to start with and then look around to see where we might like to settle. I haven't decided on NOR or SOR, beach or hills and there are just sooooo many suburbs!! I am looking for a family friendly area with good schools and probably in the region of $400 - $500 to rent. I have come up with a long list to start with and was just wondering if people might be nice enough to give me their opinions of them? I know there is nothing better than seeing a place for yourself but thought this might help me narrow down my selection slightly more!!



Mount Hawthorn

Ocean Reef







Port Kennedy








Quinns Rock



Anyway I will probably have 100 questions between now and September and by the looks of this site there are some lovely people on here with a wealth of experience and I hope you won't mind my tapping into it!

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Congratulations on your visa. We are hoping to move out in July (ish) and are also keen to know peoples opinions of these areas. Waikiki and Butler are the two areas that we seem to be stuck between


Sorry I cant help out with any specifics - but at least I'll be bumping your thread up the queue a little


Good luck with everything!

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I'm hoping to go out in September and like you have wanted to make the move for many years but am now finally almost there. I'll be living with my sister initially in South Perth (Beeliar) and then hopefully renting not too far from there once I get me and my two boys (11 and 16) settled. I'm a social worker.



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I'm hoping to go out in September and like you have wanted to make the move for many years but am now finally almost there. I'll be living with my sister initially in South Perth (Beeliar) and then hopefully renting not too far from there once I get me and my two boys (11 and 16) settled. I'm a social worker.


my sister has lived there for over 20 years so could ask her to give some feedback on the areas but am sure you will get lots from others on this site. It's great.



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Hi kibanje, welcome to the forum. I can't help on the work front but regarding suburbs, your budget will definitely narrow down the list. Have a look at http://www.reiwa.com.au and have a look at what your budget will get you in each area. Suburbs close to the beach and city are obviously more expensive. Something else to consider is whether you will need to commute to the city and if so good transport links are a must, I have heard the freeways get jammed in the morning and evening. Good luck with your planning

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I'm hoping to go out in September and like you have wanted to make the move for many years but am now finally almost there. I'll be living with my sister initially in South Perth (Beeliar) and then hopefully renting not too far from there once I get me and my two boys (11 and 16) settled. I'm a social worker.




are you moving as a single parent?



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Many thanks for all your replies


Nikkind - thank you so much for the link will get searching as to where we will be able to afford! Like you I have heard that the freeways are a nightmare so depending on where OH gets a job we might need to be near a train station.


Moss2oz - that would be absolutely amazing but only if she has the time. Would be great to hear from someone in oz.


I think it is finally dawning on me that this is a huge move and I really hope it is for the best. As all my friends say though - you can always come back if it doesn't work!

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So 12 years after we first visited Perth as backpackers straight out of uni we are finally making the move across the world as our visa has been granted. Many things have happened to keep us in the UK for longer than we hoped but the time is nearly here and I am so excited but slightly daunted by the whole prospect, there is just so much to do! When I say we, there is my husband who is an IT Consultant doing GIS work, myself and our 2 children (3 and 1). I hope OH gets work before we go out and then I am going to look for something once we are get there and once the kids are slightly more settled.


We are hoping to come out in September and OH is currently getting his CV up to scratch, is anyone else in the same field and do you know of any good recruitment consultants that might be able to help? He knows of a few sites to look at and there are a few jobs being advertised so at least that is positive! I am not sure what I am going to do when I am out there, I am a marketing and events exec by trade here but not sure I will be able to stay in the field as will be looking for part time work.


I have started looking at where we might want to start off in Perth, we will probably have a short term let to start with and then look around to see where we might like to settle. I haven't decided on NOR or SOR, beach or hills and there are just sooooo many suburbs!! I am looking for a family friendly area with good schools and probably in the region of $400 - $500 to rent. I have come up with a long list to start with and was just wondering if people might be nice enough to give me their opinions of them? I know there is nothing better than seeing a place for yourself but thought this might help me narrow down my selection slightly more!!



Mount Hawthorn

Ocean Reef







Port Kennedy








Quinns Rock



Anyway I will probably have 100 questions between now and September and by the looks of this site there are some lovely people on here with a wealth of experience and I hope you won't mind my tapping into it!

Well, that is probably the most diverse set of options i have ever seen lol!


Have you looked on realestate.com.au as i think some will be beyond your budget.


I would suggest your husband tailor his CV away from his GIS skills as there are a lot of unemployed GIS guys out there at the moment - unless he has very specific skills such as sub surface marine GIS. However, if he has database management skills as well, then contracting work can be picked up. Hays are a reasonable agency to start with.


What visa are you coming on?


What is important to your lifestyle? - beach? country? city?

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Yes, verystormy - quite a long list as really just at the start of looking at places but Nikkiwd gave me the link to reiwa and have started looking at the prices. I think I was being slightly optimistic with some places :-).


Thank you so much about your comments on GIS, I will definitely pass them onto him and also Hays. He is just putting the finishing touches to his CV now and hopefully will be getting it out to people soon as I think it is going to take a long time!


We are coming out on a 189 so have no ties to any company or any state which is a good thing I hope.


We will probably end up wanting to be close to the beach but I think might look at the country as well so looking at a few different options to start with and then narrow it down when we get out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do the freeways get clogged up going east toward the hills as well?


What at time is rush hour in the morning and evening?


Well that is a piece of string sort of question Akasully..... depends on where you are travelling, in what direction and what time.


People tend to stagger work hours here and can start anywhere from 7am to 10am and then travel home from 3pm to 6pm..... I used to work in the east end of Perth city and living in the mid southern suburbs either left home before 7am or after 9am to avoid the worst of the traffic - similar on the return journey. Now I am retired, if I have to go anywhere that involves the Freeways or major Highways, I do not leave home until at least 9am... The traffic gets worse every year and the public transport system seems to follow in direct proportion. Perth is growing much too fast and the infrastucture cannot keep up, and roads and public transport are at the top of the list. Personal advice is to live as close to your work as you can, but I realise the house comes first and work second when you are a new migrant, so on that premise, I suggest renting to start with until you get work sorted - perhaps renting in the CBD so you are central.... just a thought.

Edited by Rossmoyne
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Guest guest9824
Do the freeways get clogged up going east toward the hills as well?


What at time is rush hour in the morning and evening?


OH does this journey every day, and leaves work in the CBD at 4.30pm and is home just after 5.00pm every night. He leaves early in the morning around 6.00am and is in work for 6.45am. The adjustments made to the Great Eastern highway have had a significant effect on his commute in the car. By bus it would take between 50mins to an hour from the hills to the city.



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OH does this journey every day, and leaves work in the CBD at 4.30pm and is home just after 5.00pm every night. He leaves early in the morning around 6.00am and is in work for 6.45am. The adjustments made to the Great Eastern highway have had a significant effect on his commute in the car. By bus it would take between 50mins to an hour from the hills to the city.




Thanks Pea, that sounds very reasonable.

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