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The loft.


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Its a satisfying feeling mind,

even though the contents of my loft got transferred to my mams.

Couldnt bring myself to part with all my daughters baby outfits. An all my old uni work.


(Thats a thought, have any nurses took their PDP out with them? I havent even attempted to swap pin over yet? Maybe I should look into this lol)


guna do a boot sale when billys back off next trip off shore. Hoping the weathers broke by then.


How exciting!!!!!


Haha can u imagine how burned out with excitement Im guna be by the time we make it there?:wacko:IN AUGUST lol

Keep em coming though !



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I remember the emptying of the garages dear god with a hubby who is a bike and car fanatic ebay certainly took a bashing from us before he left and then again with me stuck back home for 3 mths. Have to say we made many a man happy with the treasures that were sold especially a guy from derby who bought a whole honda four hundred four in boxes a project that was never finished ... tsk men

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I remember the emptying of the garages dear god with a hubby who is a bike and car fanatic ebay certainly took a bashing from us before he left and then again with me stuck back home for 3 mths. Have to say we made many a man happy with the treasures that were sold especially a guy from derby who bought a whole honda four hundred four in boxes a project that was never finished ... tsk men


I don't have have any man things to sort out coz I'm single. So it was just mine and the kids stuff. Had to ask jonny if he knows what to do in an emergency in case I fell through the loft door, or worse, got my fat arse jammed in it lol.



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Oh crickey I had forgotten about the loft! Have been having a cupboard and drawer clear out through the house and down to one room and the study now.... then you post about the loft Travelchic! Won't be getting up there while it is 37C every day in Perth so that will have to wait for the winter! Great that you are powering through your turnout though!!

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I think the man at the recycle centre fancies me. Whenever I go he comes running over and starts unloading my car for me lol. What am I gonna do when I have to recycle in Australia and he's not there. Will there be another nice man to unload my car for me or will I have to do it myself??? Gonna miss that man lol



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Spent last week doing are large loft small one we did a few weeks ago,done tip runs and this morning did a boot sale it was so cold. Got no garage but got 3 sheds that's next week job. Then another boot sale. It so much fun ha ha . Can not wait till all done when you think you are nearly there then there is another cupboard or drawer.






I think the man at the recycle centre fancies me. Whenever I go he comes running over and starts unloading my car for me lol. What am I gonna do when I have to recycle in Australia and he's not there. Will there be another nice man to unload my car for me or will I have to do it myself??? Gonna miss that man lol



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Spent last week doing are large loft small one we did a few weeks ago,done tip runs and this morning did a boot sale it was so cold. Got no garage but got 3 sheds that's next week job. Then another boot sale. It so much fun ha ha . Can not wait till all done when you think you are nearly there then there is another cupboard or drawer.








Ha ha it is never ending eh? We have lived in this house since we arrived in WA 23 years ago and have never turned out a thing.... so I am going through the same as you guys. Cannot understand why I have kept so much stuff.... think I must have been a squirrel in a previous life!!! All power to you guys in your turnouts..... just remember I am doing it in 35C plus degrees!

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I had a quick scoot around the loft to see just how bad things are. I found tapes from the 80s...some I recorded off the radio (bit of Adam ants Prince Charming) a Walkman, a miniature handheld tv, a load of VHS Disney movies (haven't had a video player for many years), a camcorder with tapes I don't know how to use. Never mind the recycling centre I think I might be going to a museum with my stuff. My teenage nieces thought some of the stuff was hilarious :)

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Done the shed and half the garage today. Feels good. Would have done the other half of the garage but it was stuff like punch bags, furniture, old tv's (why do we keep them?) and I couldn't lift them. Plus I only drive a fiesta so may need a van. Will have to get one of the older kids to help me.


3 trips to the skip, hardly moved a muscle because of the lovely skip man. Was gonna ask him did he wanna come to mine and help me load the rest but thought better of it ha ha ha



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Best not invite the helpful skip man round, he may be expecting payment in kind for his services lol!


Done the shed and half the garage today. Feels good. Would have done the other half of the garage but it was stuff like punch bags, furniture, old tv's (why do we keep them?) and I couldn't lift them. Plus I only drive a fiesta so may need a van. Will have to get one of the older kids to help me.


3 trips to the skip, hardly moved a muscle because of the lovely skip man. Was gonna ask him did he wanna come to mine and help me load the rest but thought better of it ha ha ha



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wait for an Aussie skip man- you don't need any complications now you've got this far Debs!!!!!


Ha ha. Talking of complications, I've just had a call from the estate agents. They've had a call from someone who's put an offer in on my house without viewing it. Cash offer. And get this. It's for exactly the same amount that I've already accepted. Now either that's a coincidence or someone who knows me has told them how much I've accepted. I've refused it. How bizarre.



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Hi Deb


Tell them to come to the Wirral and they can buy my house. Had no one around since November



Ha ha. Talking of complications, I've just had a call from the estate agents. They've had a call from someone who's put an offer in on my house without viewing it. Cash offer. And get this. It's for exactly the same amount that I've already accepted. Now either that's a coincidence or someone who knows me has told them how much I've accepted. I've refused it. How bizarre.



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Deb, mine was put on the market in oct. I had 2 viewers between then and Xmas. Then I reduced it and had a flurry of viewers. Are you in a position to reduce yours. The only trouble is, I was expecting to be offered less when it was at the original price but when it's reduced and people offer you a lower price it's a lot of money to lose. But I've taken into account the cost of a validation trip which I won't have to do now.



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