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Rough cost of emigrating...


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Could someone direct me to a list of costs related to emigrating. I'm guessing there are a lot of fees that I haven't thought of!


We would be emigrating on a skilled visa but not for a couple of years. We want to know how much we would need to save to cover the cost of moving!



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3 years ago we spent about £14000 on costs before we moved (visa, flights and shipping - but remember the actual visa cost was different then). We then spent about $27500 when we got here on set up costs, buying cars, holiday rentals, rental costs, insurance, driving licences etc etc and then a further $4000 on additional items (washing machine, sofa, beds etc, some of which we bought second hand and sold again once our container arrived (Matressess mostly) others we kept). I kept a spreadsheet so know that these costs are pretty accurate for us (family of 5) but everyone cuts their cloth differently and you may decide you dont need a car when you arrive which will save you that cost and the cost of insurance etc or you may decide you need 2 in which case your costs would be more. Hope that helps!

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That's more like it :) I wonder why there is such a big difference in costs...?


Its because the costs keep going once you arrive - accommodation, car, insurance bits n bobs , lease bond etc ………….. So definatly £25k


Its the unexpected things like - we where stopped from working for 8 weeks due to Aphra , so this really wiped us out - EEK !

Infact we lived on pot noodles for 2 weeks ;o)

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Could someone direct me to a list of costs related to emigrating. I'm guessing there are a lot of fees that I haven't thought of!


We would be emigrating on a skilled visa but not for a couple of years. We want to know how much we would need to save to cover the cost of moving!




It depends on a few things such as size of family - bigger the family the higher the visa costs. Also, the occupation and how long it may take to get work.


On average, allow for the following:

Visas with medicals 5k

shipping 4k

flights 2k

bond and first months rent paid in advance 2k

Temporary accommodation for arrival 1k

car 2k

hire car / temporary transport 1k

incidental purchasing (you leach money on arrival) 3k

then the biggest cost - money to live on, pay bills, pay rent, eat and everything else for up to 6 months while you find work 9k

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It depends on a few things such as size of family - bigger the family the higher the visa costs. Also, the occupation and how long it may take to get work.


On average, allow for the following:

Visas with medicals 5k

shipping 4k

flights 2k

bond and first months rent paid in advance 2k

Temporary accommodation for arrival 1k

car 2k

hire car / temporary transport 1k

incidental purchasing (you leach money on arrival) 3k

then the biggest cost - money to live on, pay bills, pay rent, eat and everything else for up to 6 months while you find work 9k

hi we are travelling to perth on october 2nd and weve managed to save £19000 to take with us and hoping it will be enough .We have spent £3800 0n hubbys visa £300 on his medical and £1200 on flights if thats any help .

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Thank you for everyone's responses, they've been really helpful. My husband is adamant that we won't go over until he has a job secured (Maths teacher) but I don't know how realistic that really is?!


We thought like this and applied for so many jobs …. 4 years past and nothing !


So we thought - we need to be there in person , As not getting anywhere from UK…..


…….. So sold everything - put every penny into getting here ( on perminent visa ) .

We are here we have a job - but in is permenant temporay at pmh ….. which is good , as alot ot work being offered . But no job contracts offered - also alot of false job leads …… Australians prefure to keep you guessing rather than just saying NO !


I supose what im trying to say - sometimes you just have to go for it ………… Like in surfing - you have to swim to the wave , the wave aint gonna come to you :o)


Good luck guys , and do what you feel is right ;o)

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It can be done cheap. Me and the (now ex) wife came over with about $10k in cash for a car, and our last two pay cheques.


But that was no kids, and we had a support network when we landed to help for the 6 weeks till we were both earning.


Think shipping was just over a thousand, and I can't remember how much the visa cost, but it wasn't huge.

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We've spent approx 10k so far & haven't set foot in Australia yet lol. My OHs a spark so had to travel to London from Glasgow for his 2 day trade test, IELTS were done locally so no travel costs on top of the fees. That 10k was everything we spent (family of 3) on getting our visa including an agent. Using an agent is optional but I was suffering severe "Baby Brain" so didn't trust myself to get everything right. Under normal circumstances I'd have taken it on myself & saved some cash.


We're guesstimating that we'll need to save another 20k to get us there & set up. That sounds like a massive amount, & it is, but it can be done if you tell yourself you have to make small sacrifices now to catch your dream.

We aren't in a position to move right now so we're heading over next month to activate visa as this has to be done within the year. In total, inc spending money, we've saved the 8k since March by becoming a little more "sensible" with our spending habits. We've not cut everything to the bone & are still living comfortably but savings were there to be made.


Our biggest worry just now is getting a handle on how much my OH will earn when we 1st arrive as he almost starts over as an apprentice to gain his license.


I've found all the info on here & Pomsinoz to be invaluable. Lots of stuff re shipping costs, pet shipping, monthly expenditures when you arrive etc.


its a huge amount of money but good things tend not to comes easy in life, if they did we prob wouldn't value them much! Don't be put off, start the ball rolling & leap right into it.....Goodluck!!!

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We moved over 3 months ago and I say about £25000 in total. We original thought it would be half that but all the little things just add up! When we arrived we were paying out for so much without even realising it!


feel your pain @GreenFamily :o) yep we thought wed have a very nice amount in bank ….. EEk gone now - its the stage waiting for jobs , but i was so pleased when we got a centre link payment ! phew!

But working now ;o)

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