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Seriously considering emigration to Australia as have a daughter already living there. We will have a good income from private and public pensions but not enough cash for the full contributory visa. Will we be able to pay in installments? Can we still claim our British pension whilst living in Australia? What is the chance of getting over there with a non-contributory visa? Sorry for all the questions but just starting out on our journey. 

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Hi and welcome,

First thing is if you pass the balance of family test (do you have any more children?).  

You meet the balance of family test if:

at least half of your children live permanently in Australia, or

more of your children live permanently in Australia than in any other country.

I think the contributory parent visa is paid for in two installments (both substantial amounts).

Some people enter Aus and then apply for the non-contributory visa and are granted a bridging visa whilst they wait, but generally I believe the bridging visa only has the same rights as the previous one - so you would need to look into how restrictive this would be.

The government announced that they are going to introduce a temporary parent visa.  You still need to pass the balance of family test, your daughter will need to have been here on a PR visa for at least 2 years.  You will also need an assurance of support (I can't see that this means payment only that you will be supported financially if necessary).


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