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Mozzies in Ozzie!!....worried about em for our reccie!!


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Im starting to get a little concerned about the mozzies out there. Few people i work with have said, when theyve been in Perth, there were loads of them and theres this nasty regional disease they carry?. Im not one for flapping..but HELP!!


Are they that bad? I know we should do the norm on our reccie, spray, use plug ins..dont go out at night!! Is it really that bad?



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No they are not that bad and the risk on contracting anything nasty is very small. I've found midges in Scotland and Wales to be worse than mozzies in Perth.

Yes Australia has creepy crawlies, but people do go a bit OTT about them. I've found we get more creepy crawlies and spiders in our house in the UK as windows dont have fly screens like they do in Australia.

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Never had much of a problem with them. Found them a lot worse in Spain/Greece.


When we first arrived i got bitten a few times, new blood i think!!


I sit outside everynight and dont use any sprays/lotions etc and have no problems. As a family of 5, one member has not been bitten once!!


The disease you maybe thinking off is Ross River disease and yes i do know someone that has had it. His symptons were similiar to ME ones. It took a year for him to get better, had to give up work. So not very nice.


I dont know where you will be staying in Perth, but there are areas more known for it. It was news a bit back about a new housing estate going up, where they know the disease is prevalent. A lot of people against it, but the council involved saying it would take steps to guard against it!!

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Been ages since I posted, but havent had much of an issue with anything apart from the flies. You can get a repellent which we find good. Other than that, unless you are going to be staying near a lake and the council havent sprayed, havent noticed much in the way of the mozzies. As it's already been said, worse for me in Scotland!

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They are bad here at the moment I'm not going to lie because forewarned is forearmed . They are not bad all year round so some may have been lucky when they came. Mozzies are only usually bad at dawn and dusk and a liberal spraying with Aeroguard usually sorts that problem . Not all people are bothered by them I am my OH isn't. There is something called Ross River Virus, but Ive never heard of anyone catching it and whilst it can be debilitating it doesn't kill you. Millions of us live over here in cohabitation with them without too many issues, you'll be fine so long as your prepared.

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They tend to go for people with fair skin - only one of us in our family gets bothered. They don't stop you being outside like the midgies in Scotland. There's lots you can do if you are one of the poor souls they like to eat - wear lose cotton shirts that cover your arms and long trousers in the evening instead of shorts, take vit B capsules and I think there is another supplement people recommend. There are plants you can grow in the garden that mozzies don't like as well.

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You can buy Sandalwood sticks from Bunnings - burn them like joss sticks - and they keep the mossies away if you are outside. Also I have found that RID is much better than Aeroguard as a preventative. I am top of the Mossie hit list, but find with the Sandalwood sticks and RID, I am better protected and rarely get bitten. Different things work for different people though.

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Guest guest9824

Hate the little blood sucking blighters! RRV is no laughing matter, totally debilitating. Mandurah used to be really bad for that, not sure how they go now down there.....got bitten really bad in Busselton, the mozzies were massive there and boy did they bite! Think they like the taste of fresh pommie blood.

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OMG. I've been so efficient in getting my lists done, packing sorted, airport taxis booked, etc, etc that I totally forgot about the fact that there are mozzies in Oz.....


When living in Zim I used to get eaten alive regularly.... Will have to buy some mozzie repellent. Should I buy here in the UK or wait till we get to Perth???? :arghh:

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