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Things that make you smilie


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As a counter to my thread 'Things that drives you nuts' I have started this one to focus on the positive.


Today I witnessed kindness and happiness from others, it really made me smile.

My eight year old son slipped in the mud and smashed his knee into a tree trunk whilst at school today. He was really hurt and lay there crying. He told me that four of his friends helped him up and took him to the teacher. The staff cared for him brilliantly until I got there. Later he told me that his friends said a prayer for him, hoping that he would be ok. Bless!


As I was teaching, before I could leave to collect him, I had to ask someone to cover my year 7 class. Someone stepped in with a smile on their face, happy to help me. Once he was with me, back in my class with his leg up, the girls all said "hope you feel better" as they left the class. Even our school nurse popped in to check him and gave him some chocolate to take away the bad taste of the medicine!


All this kindness made me smile and reminded me of how lucky we are to be surrounded by kind people.


So what made you smile today?

Edited by Akasully2
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My 2 year old daughter's take on the world.. While playing hide and seek with my 14 year old.. 'one, two, three, four, five, six... ready or not, here comes me!!'

My 14 year old daughter's take on the world.. 'Those lemon biscuits I made are healthy really because they contain lemon and lemon is a vegetable.'


Hmmm..more schooling I think but it makes me smile!

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This made me smile today- Doing a portrait demo using charcoal and chalk with the year 7 pupils. They looked daunted but but by the end of the hour they had all produced something they were amazed by. The look on their faces made me smile as I selected some to go up on the wall. One girl (who is weak at most things) was delighted and beamed with happiness as she said she had never had a piece of work on the wall before even during the entire time at primary school. She said her mum would be proud of her!! Bless!


This brought a smile to my face and a lump to my throat.

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You made me smile just by being able to spell that! :cute:


Well it certainly made me smile today, been unemployed for 2 months had an interview today, got a bit stressed, and thought of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" It made me smile, then I was asked how I would motivate teams, to do there work, and I though well,


" In every Task that should be done there is an element of fun, Find the fun, and the task becomes a game"

"A Spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, medicine goes down":smile:


I managed to refrain from bursting into song, which would have been embarrassing.:embarressed:


May do it one day though and see what happens. lol

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Having a very long chat with one of my fab fab favorite eccentric never know what is going to come out of her mouth next bestie ex colleague back in the UK. She always puts a smile on my face and lots of laughter miss her very very much. :laugh: Its true mental health nurses have a screw loose ..........................

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This made me smile today- Doing a portrait demo using charcoal and chalk with the year 7 pupils. They looked daunted but but by the end of the hour they had all produced something they were amazed by. The look on their faces made me smile as I selected some to go up on the wall. One girl (who is weak at most things) was delighted and beamed with happiness as she said she had never had a piece of work on the wall before even during the entire time at primary school. She said her mum would be proud of her!! Bless!


This brought a smile to my face and a lump to my throat.


Teachers are in an incredibly influential and privileged position, good ones have the power to be the most inspirational and encouraging force with our children, bad ones can cause irreparable damage to our young, creative minds, shattering their self confidence and enthusiasm for learning.

It seems you're very much the former :wubclub:


The way my children love each other so much and enjoy each others company! Especially the juggles, the Mother Hen attitude my daughter adopts over our Son and the way he calls out for her!!Aaaaah who am I kidding everything about my children makes me beam from ear to ear!

How is this possible? Mine are caught in a perpetual cycle of bickering, nit-picking, tears and escalating violence with less than 1% of their time taken in mutual appreciation, play and support.

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Great snap, gawd knows how you managed to get them both to pose for the camera at the same time tho.


Ha ha Rob it was just one of those random lucky shots. I was taking pics of my garden and turned round and they were both just sitting there looking at me! Gorgeous boys.... One might look like a ginger cat, but he actually knows he is a dog in disguise!

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I have a Black and White Cat exactly the same!


"special" aren't they? Garfield (the cat) has been brought up with dogs since he was an abandoned kitten we adopted at 5 weeks old..... so he only has had dogs to model his behaviour on. Funniest thing is when he comes indoors, he lays on his back for a tummy tickle.... just like the woofers!!! Cracks me up everytime!

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After a hard day at work or if I work a bit later.... I drive home down the coast road if poss.... or if I am south that day the drive over the river to the northern suburbs makes me smile and realise yes it is all worth it.... And if it is really late and getting dark when the city is lit up driving along the fwy it really gives me a buzz.... But most of all when I look towards the water on the drive home and there are jet skis, sail boats. And wind surfers it makes me smile.... Beats the m62 & m6 I used to get stuck on back in the uk.... (You know that big car park)....

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