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Fave tipple ??

jo and scott

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At home we start with two double G&Ts, then a bottle of red between us (me and 'er) then I finish off with three double whiskies. I'm almost 77, if I was younger I would not drink so much but at my age why worry? If we go out I NEVER drink alcohol if I'm driving. If someone else is driving I'll stick to a few glasses of the red stuff then decide when we get home decide how to finish off the night. Cannot tollerate white wine as it has no body. Prefer a very heavy red.

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I love my sparkling white wine, but like you Jo one or two glasses and I'm having trouble walking. Depending on my mood its either Tia Maria with diet coke (can't drink the normal coke as it makes me hyper!!!) or if I'm in a proper drinking mode its Jack Daniels and diet coke.

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Black Sheep Best Bitter! Man I'm going to miss that come winter. You can get it over here but need a small mortgage!!


Happy Birthday for Friday Jo! Did you end up at Bas Vegas?!


thanks nikki, yes i did go to baz vegas, hadnt been there for sooooo long tho so felt quite out of place :-/

but had a few drinks and a few more and danced all night :-))

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