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Anyone waiting to migrate?

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I can imagine it sucks. As Stormy suggested there are flights, but I would wait a bit longer, unless you have a job lined up or you have a very high demand/specific skill. Things are slowly picking up again (business wise) but there is still a lot of mess to be cleared with a lot of jobless people.


As I said, things are picking up again, so you will be fine. It's just a matter of not rushing into it imho.

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On 03/06/2020 at 00:02, NorthumbrianDavid said:

Mind you 14 days quarantine on Rotto sounds tempting!

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

It was on the news that they're worried the Rottnest brand has been tarnished by being used for quarantine - hopefully there may be some cheap deals in the future, cheaper to holiday in Bali than Rotto.

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21 hours ago, ali said:

It was on the news that they're worried the Rottnest brand has been tarnished by being used for quarantine - hopefully there may be some cheap deals in the future, cheaper to holiday in Bali than Rotto.

Hi Ali, yep my Gili Islands trip had to be cancelled. It is now costing me at least double to go to Exmouth and I have to put up with my daughters for 17 hour drive!!!!! And no daily bed making!!!! Now we are officially in a recession it is good to support state businesses and economy though!

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On 05/06/2020 at 16:05, New Life Down Under said:

Hi Ali, yep my Gili Islands trip had to be cancelled. It is now costing me at least double to go to Exmouth and I have to put up with my daughters for 17 hour drive!!!!! And no daily bed making!!!! Now we are officially in a recession it is good to support state businesses and economy though!

We have made the drive from Perth to Exmouth - did do a stop-over at kalbarri on the way there and back

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