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Are you coming in winter?

Mad Cow

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Ok, I like the temps at the mo here! Bout 25 deg ish! Love the summer but nice to sleep at the mo! My question is if you're coming in the winter will it be warm enough for you? Just remember, it does get hot hot hot here so hang in there! We landed in feb 2008 and it was boiling! Although, I remember the first winter here we were hot when others were cold so I guess you'll be ok? Lol! Anyhow, pack your woolies for the evenings!

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Hello, we are coming over in the middle of July. Starting to sort out what clothes are coming with us and its a real mixture, I feel like I'm packing for a English summer. Waterproof jacket, jumpers, fluffy dressing gown and a few summer stuff thrown in for good measure. Good luck to all those arriving before me I am so jealous. I just to get out there and start living.

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Winter in Perth is like summer in UK. But just be prepared for the extremely chilly nights ( even down to 0 degrees at times) and the fact that WA houses are built for the heat so do not have double glazing and central heating. We all rely on various forms of stand-a-lone heating. Gas convector heaters - reverse cycle units - solid fuel pot belly stoves..... The days are mostly OK although there are some that are cold and damp, but it is the evenings and nights that will get to you. Hence why Ozzies have Ugg Boots!

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Winter in Perth is like summer in UK. But just be prepared for the extremely chilly nights ( even down to 0 degrees at times) and the fact that WA houses are built for the heat so do not have double glazing and central heating. We all rely on various forms of stand-a-lone heating. Gas convector heaters - reverse cycle units - solid fuel pot belly stoves..... The days are mostly OK although there are some that are cold and damp, but it is the evenings and nights that will get to you. Hence why Ozzies have Ugg Boots!



​Too true R! We have a gas heater for the evenings! And rugs to sit watching tv! I love the fact that we can go to the beach in winter, to walk, and then have a heater on at night to keep us warm!

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I don't really love the winters here. Hopefully premature as only had one winter here! Found it freezing in the house! Bought a gas heater, electric heaters, sat in my sleeping bag on an evening!


Cos you have been cosseted by central heating lol , at least it gets to a manageable temp in the day and you can have a dip in the sea

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Cos you have been cosseted by central heating lol , at least it gets to a manageable temp in the day and you can have a dip in the sea


Oh definitely did love my central heating in Scotland! I honestly do think people are in denial how cold it gets! This "rug up" thing kind of bugs me!

I am hoping I manage better this year! I know I am a cold person, as always have a Zippy top on when husband has on only a t shirt.

Even tried out the reverse cycle air con on heating tonight for 5 mins to see if it was warm!! We are in a different house this winter, so hoping in some magic way it's warmer??!!!!

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Guest guest9824

Just been online to New Look and purchased Onesies for all of us! Genius whoever invented the Onesie! Be prepared to freeze yer tabernacles off in winter here, as Rossmoyne says, these Ozzie houses are built for the heat not the cold! Love the cooler nights though. :cute:



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We arrived on the 1st of July it certainly was a shock at night but it was hot to us in the day. Spent a lot of time walking because OH had the car for work and the school & supermarket walk was a hot one for me in the low twenties ( I wear cardi's in that heat now ) I defo think to break you in gently its a good time to come especially for the kids.

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