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Everything posted by nikkiwd

  1. ooh yummy, I love cheesecake and if that were in my house I would eat it all HLV!
  2. I think the green Cat bus goes from Esplanade busport along kings park road
  3. It would be a shame to change Bean but if you need a back up plan there is the Lotterywest playground in Kings Park (its off Kings park road) which has stickybeaks cafe but joined onto it is a big undercover area with tables and its right by the play area.
  4. Yep I think there is a glitch too, whenever I press 'my posts' on the right of home page is comes up with a 'Fatal Error' page
  5. its gone on sideways for some reason. This has cake has given me nightmares but its done now and I hope nobody asks for a topsy turvey cake again ever!
  6. -you get folk wandering through the shopping centre with no shoes on and on occasion no top either (men the majority of the time )
  7. nikkiwd


    I can hear more thunder now so maybe another lot on its way
  8. nikkiwd


    yep we got a proper hail storm
  9. There are a couple of other threads on here about schedule 2 occupations, have a search and see if you can find them as a few people are waiting for invites. One person just got an invite after waiting a year but has no job offer.
  10. I have to make a big birthday cake today for a party hubby is catering for, will post a pic when finished...gulp
  11. We stayed at Mandalay Bay in Busselton a few years ago and loved it. We had a chalet but there were lots of caravans there so sure they allow tents too
  12. there is a kind of shelter to the left of the cafe(if you are facing the lake). I will see if I can find a picture.
  13. nikkiwd

    Cot bed

    You can buy plastic mattress bags/covers for shipping, got ours from amazon I think.
  14. Hi, my husband is catering for a 21st birthday party next Saturday(18th October) and needs 2 waiting staff with experience to help him out for 3 or 4 hours. Its just a cocktail party style so just walking around with trays of food offering to guests. Must be well presented, friendly and helpful and there is potential for more casual work. It is in Mullaloo so people who live nearish are preferred, hubby can pick up if no transport. Please pm me if you are interested. Nikki
  15. just home from our first child free evening since being here. We have friends visiting so made use of the offer to babysit. We went to Billy Lees Chinese in Northbridge as it was recommended to us and it was very tasty and pretty good value too.
  16. There is a big meet up planned for Sunday 19th in Kings Park at Synergy Parkland. Have a search for it, Bean Downunder started the thread.
  17. it covers some of the cost of braces, I think it increases around $1000 each year up to a maximum of 3k per person. Hopefully by the time she needs them she will get the maximum amount. I should look into it to make sure though!
  18. Ask your school about the school dentist. My daughter went to the school dentist and is due to go back for a filling next week, its free.
  19. how exciting, have you arrived yet?
  20. if you have a colour scanner then you don't need your documents to be copied and certified. You should be fine but if there are any issues then your case officer will let you know.
  21. I didn't use silica gel and the vac sealed bags stayed sealed. I was a bit worried about books and photo albums getting damaged by damp so I wrapped then in cling film in bundles before putting in the boxes. We had a large movecube and fitted 16 12x12inch boxes, 3 or 4 smaller ones, 1 single divan bed and mattress, our Ikea daybed(taken apart) with the 2 mattresses, a double mattress and a couple of other bits. I wrote what was in each box but along the lines of 'box 1- books, box 2- linen and curtains, box 3- toys, teddy bears, board games'. The shoes are meant to be cleaned and put in a marked box near the front of the movecube. Our shoe box, a book box and a box of ornaments were inspected by AQIS but no problems.
  22. nikkiwd

    wild life

    managed to attach mine at last
  23. nikkiwd

    wild life

    We had a huntsman outside last week and a white tail in the bathroom a few days ago...I don't mind spiders but the white tail was so small and in-conspicuous looking, its a bit scary as they have a nasty bite. Think I will have to spray inside the house which I wasn't keen on.
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