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Where do I start?


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Hello everyone,


This may seem like an open ended question, but I want to know everyone's experiences of how they got off on the 'migration' foot!?


We're thinking of doing it alone without a migration agent. What would people suggest is the best way to go about it? What were your worst experiences?


We're desperate to go...but I really don't know where to start!


Thanks Jo

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Hi Jo,


We have a couple of members who are pretty well up on visa's and stuff so they'll be able to give you some advice regarding that. A lot of people do this without agents so it can be done. Your first step is to see if either of you qualify for the a visa and which sort.

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We were going for the 189 originally but were told by the Oz Embassy in London, better to go for the 190 as you were certain to be offered an invitation to apply, if the state agrees to sponsor you. Much, much quicker too. 18 months v 6 months processing. Something to bear in mind.


Wow, what a huge difference in timings! Thanks akasully2! When are you off to oz? xx

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We were going for the 189 originally but were told by the Oz Embassy in London, better to go for the 190 as you were certain to be offered an invitation to apply, if the state agrees to sponsor you. Much, much quicker too. 18 months v 6 months processing. Something to bear in mind.


Our 189 was granted in 2 months. We applied on 7/4 and got the visa on the 17/6. I don't know if the timescales have changed since then, but it was really quick for us




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Timescales vary a lot by case.


The first thing to do is go to immi.gov.au and see what you are eligible for, then do the visa wizard. You then need to calculate points and see how many points you have against how many the visa requires. Many people find they have to take ILETS - a English test in order to get enough points.

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Oh, and NEVER base decisions on advice from the embassy or DIAC as they often gave wrong advice but are legally exempt from any action for giving bad advice. I have seen lots of disasters resulting on advice from them. If you need advice it must only come from a MARA agent. If you want an initial assessment most of the recommended agents on here will do that for free.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the hints everyone! verystormy, we're looking for agents to call for advice! I knew you should go for MARA agents but not sure how they feel about giving out just advice. I don't want to use an agent, I think my fiance and I are capable of dealing with the stress (Me=very stressed and him=chilled out, so we'd balance one another out!!) Plus, it cuts out a huge cost of the visa application!

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we're just awaiting our meds being uploaded and a decision but have done it without an agent, take it step by step and ask lots of questions on here and you will be fine :-)

good luck,

bean xx


Oh thats great news Bean! :) Congrats, nearly there! It's not taken you hardly any time at all has it? Are you going on the 190 visa? I'm confident we can do this its just finding the money, the determination, the bravery and biting the bullet!

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Most of the good MARA agents will give you an initial consultation for free.


So may be worth it. But it appears your case isnfairly simple. The key is to do things in the correct time frame and in the correct order as that is where things can cause big problems and do not over claim on points. Make certain the points you claim are valid. If you claim 70 even though only 60 are required and the case officer finds 10 were not valid. They don't just knock the ten off and still grant the visa. They reject the visa and you have to start - and pay - again.

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Guest Clairemlindsay

Hi Jojo 1310

im currently in the process of migrating. Unlike you im using a migration agent as i have 2 small boys and work full time so can't cope with any more stress!! The agent i am using (Go Matilda) give you an inital free full assessment with guidance on the whole process, so it may be work you getting this even if you dont use them. They break the cost down too so you pay for each of the steps as you get to them. so if you need help with the skills assessment, for example, they can help you on that part alone and dont pressure you to use them on the others. xx

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We are at start of process for 189 visa. OH is main applicant, nurse sitting her academic IELTS next weekend. We too are using Go Matilda as we are on a timeframe hoping to get visa invitation by October before we drop points due to age. We contacted some agents and had different responses, some even giving duff information which we already knew. This forum however is amazing with all the knowledge and experience. Also if anything is changing in the world of migration you will hear it here first.

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Hi Jojo 1310

im currently in the process of migrating. Unlike you im using a migration agent as i have 2 small boys and work full time so can't cope with any more stress!! The agent i am using (Go Matilda) give you an inital free full assessment with guidance on the whole process, so it may be work you getting this even if you dont use them. They break the cost down too so you pay for each of the steps as you get to them. so if you need help with the skills assessment, for example, they can help you on that part alone and dont pressure you to use them on the others. xx



Thanks for the advice Clairemlindsay! Think we're now umming and ahhing between 189 and 190. Anyone know what the difference is in waiting time for visas, if there is any? xx

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In hindsight and if I could do the visa process all over again I would only use an agent for the TRA part. The rest of the paperwork was a walk in the park (excluding the stress levels waiting to hear back from DIAC!).


We used a brilliant agent but it still took us 2 attempts to get through the TRA process as my OH is a self employed Mechanical Fitter and we ended up having to provide 5 years worth of invoices, bank statements, very indepth client references etc. At the time this was very, very stressful as we wanted to get in ahead of the SkillSelect process (we scraped in on the final day!). Once we had our TRA approval the remainder of the paperwork took no time at all.


My advice is that if you have the time do your own paperwork but use the various forums to ask questions as PIO and PerthPoms proved invaluable to us on our path to getting our visa (and kept us sane!!).


Good luck!

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