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What's a girl supposed to do!


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Hmmm, quite a dilema ;) so... I arrived almost four weeks ago.... All the things that i put in my case for my 'skinny' days have not been worn!... I'm enjoying the coffee culture too much!!!! I think i may have swollen up in the heat too?!!! ...... Shoes... I have only really worn flip flops... They go with just about everything, day and night!! Have ditched my sandals as they are awkward on the beach!!! I would bring in your case the clothes you know you feel good in?!!! Ditch anything you're not sure about!! That's my words of wisdom for ya ;) good luck!! Amy x

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Trying to fit my life in a 30kilo bag :( We fly out on wed and this has been the most traumatic part.. Any advice ladies out there, what/what not to bring? I have fat/thin/good/bad/happy/sad day clothes...How do I choose?



I feel for you, just been through a similar dilemma myself. All our stuff is now in storage so had to sort to store or not to store. We are living out of suitcases probably until about June, not flying out until may. During our time in the uk we are going on one last family holiday to Tenerife so need my holiday clothes, it's bitterly cold and wet so need my winter clothes, it should be nicer in oz so need summer clothes, my belly is going to get progressively bigger over the next 6 months so need maternity clothes and I want to buy some new stuff before we get there!



I am very proud of my self for fitting it all in (so far), I just folded it all really small, the case is full but still not at 30kg - general rule for me is if I can still lift it it's not full enough!. Maybe you could get some of those vacume bags if you've reached maximum space but not weight?


hope you sored it out x

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We have been here four weeks as well. I have lived every day (until I started work) in shorts, vest tops and thongs (flip flops). Like Amy I'm having a lot less skinny days than I used to, but I just wear baggier vests instead!!

Depending on when you actually arrive and when the rest of your stuff is due depends on whether you need to include warmer stuff or not. I'd still bring one light jumper though just for the occasional cooler evening, which has happened since we arrived.

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If you're shipping your belongings out, put your winter clothes in the container. I haven't worn a coat since early October!


After work and at weekends we usually wear shorts and T-shirts, occasionally something smart for an evening out. If you're looking for work, bring something formal but lightweight and smart shoes.


If I had the chance to pack again I'd put a couple of kilos of Cadbury chocolate in, it's not the same here :)

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That's the problem, we're not shipping anything! We sold everything. We're basically taking our life on the plane. I bought some scales and weighed one bag which is 20kilos so I have 10 left for "bits n pieces". And this is from a girl who loves clothes, it's been emotional!!!

My reasoning is I can start again when I get there:biggrin: So anyone out there who likes a good shop, you know where I am ;)

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That's the problem, we're not shipping anything! We sold everything. We're basically taking our life on the plane. I bought some scales and weighed one bag which is 20kilos so I have 10 left for "bits n pieces". And this is from a girl who loves clothes, it's been emotional!!!

My reasoning is I can start again when I get there:biggrin: So anyone out there who likes a good shop, you know where I am ;)


this is what we are thinking of doing, but then i think of all the girls toys / our photos, so will probably just send a few boxes by airfreight instead.


we have a few things to sell, did you do boot sales ? im waiting for the weather to warm up, then can do a boot sale.

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Yes we did a few at the end of last year. Sold most stuff on the Facebook selling sites.

We thought about sending a few boxes, we've boxed up all the things we wanted to keep, but we're gonna leave them here for now then if we do decide to settle over there then we'll send for them.

Decided once it's gone I won't miss it!

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Yes we did a few at the end of last year. Sold most stuff on the Facebook selling sites.

We thought about sending a few boxes, we've boxed up all the things we wanted to keep, but we're gonna leave them here for now then if we do decide to settle over there then we'll send for them.

Decided once it's gone I won't miss it!


ive joined a few facebook selling sites, but not put anything on them yet. not sure i can face it ! struggling a bit with it all to be honest, scotts been home this week but studying for ielts on saturday.


i just need to get on with it !

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this is what we are thinking of doing, but then i think of all the girls toys / our photos, so will probably just send a few boxes by airfreight instead.


we have a few things to sell, did you do boot sales ? im waiting for the weather to warm up, then can do a boot sale.


I think it depends on the area, but Gumtree has been great for us, especially the big things that wouldn't be worth posting. I'm beginning to think it won't ever stop raining long enough for us to do a car boot sale!?

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I think it depends on the area, but Gumtree has been great for us, especially the big things that wouldn't be worth posting. I'm beginning to think it won't ever stop raining long enough for us to do a car boot sale!?


lol yes i dont think its ever going to stop raining !! i got soaked today picking the girls up from school !


i will have a look on gum tree, its not one ive ever used before.

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What's all this about getting fatter out there? I had plans to down size my tummy and chins once I hit hot weather. Always thought that it must be easier to lose weight in a hot climate because ...


1. You have get your gut out on the beach and you would be more inclined to keep it in check


2. The heat would make you eat healthier, salads, etc


I lost weight last summer and felt fab, loads of positive comments, etc. So, why can I not stop eating and drinking now? It seems so much more comforting than dieting even if the looks go out of the window! Weight gone back on!!! :frown:

Edited by Akasully2
Sausage fingers again
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What's all this about getting fatter out there? I had plans to down size my tummy and chins once I hit hot weather. Always thought that it must be easier to lose weight in a hot climate because ...


1. You have get your gut out on the beach and you would be more inclined to keep it in check


2. The heat would make you eat healthier, salads, etc


I lost weight last summer and felt fab, loads of positive comments, etc. So, why can I not stop eating and drinking now? It seems so much more comforting than dieting even if the looks go out of the window! Weight gone back on!!! :frown:



id love to be nice and skinny by the time i get there but ive never been skinny in my life !


doesnt help that i cant stop eating at the mo, feels like im putting on loads and i cant do anything about it !! by the time i get to the plane, they wont let me on lol !! might not be a seat wide enough for my big butt !!

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What's all this about getting fatter out there? I had plans to down size my tummy and chins once I hit hot weather. Always thought that it must be easier to lose weight in a hot climate because ...


1. You have get your gut out on the beach and you would be more inclined to keep it in check


2. The heat would make you eat healthier, salads,



I lost weight last summer and felt fab, loads of positive comments, etc. So, why can I not stop eating and drinking now? It seems so much more comforting than dieting even if the looks go out of the window! Weight gone back on!!! :frown:


Maybe something to do with those yummy cakes you keep baking!:wink:

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What's all this about getting fatter out there? I had plans to down size my tummy and chins once I hit hot weather. Always thought that it must be easier to lose weight in a hot climate because ...


1. You have get your gut out on the beach and you would be more inclined to keep it in check


2. The heat would make you eat healthier, salads, etc


I lost weight last summer and felt fab, loads of positive comments, etc. So, why can I not stop eating and drinking now? It seems so much more comforting than dieting even if the looks go out of the window! Weight gone back on!!! :frown:


I always lose weight in the summer and I thought it would be easier to get/stay slimmer in Oz, pretty much for the exact reasons you just mentioned, but my best Aussie friend says I'll be shocked how many people have a weight problem. In her opinion there's a much greater obesity problem than in the UK.

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What's all this about getting fatter out there? I had plans to down size my tummy and chins once I hit hot weather. Always thought that it must be easier to lose weight in a hot climate because ...


1. You have get your gut out on the beach and you would be more inclined to keep it in check


2. The heat would make you eat healthier, salads, etc


I lost weight last summer and felt fab, loads of positive comments, etc. So, why can I not stop eating and drinking now? It seems so much more comforting than dieting even if the looks go out of the window! Weight gone back on!!! :frown:


I put on loads of weight in the run up to leaving. Mainly because we went round visiting all our friends and ate and drank loads. We also stopped going to the gym.


I also thought that once here I would be eating salads etc but the problem is that every salad comes with a burger, or steak etc and don't under estimate the drinking culture over here. We also found ourselves eating out a lot at lunchtime as well and there aren't too many "healthier" options unless you count subway as healthy!


I am now hoping that as we are in our own place and that I'm working that I will be in a bit more control and the weight will start to come off.


On the other hand if you do fancy a treat when you get here, make the trip out to Bindoon. It's a bit of trek but the Bindoon Bakehaus is Fab!


To the OP, sorry for the slight hijack of the thread, but to answer your query about buying clothes out here, I have going Target to be good value and quality if you don't want to spend a fortune.

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Those good to know I a not the only one sporty a few extra pounds. Yes, the cakes definitely have something to do with it. When I lost weight last year through a certain slimming club, the baking tins never came out once. The wine was measured and I had never eaten so much fruit and veg. Felt fab but in the end got bored with denial. Went back to my old ways and here it is....chubby!


i am surprised at the aussie's being over weight. When we went to the east coast they were super fit, all jogging, doing weights by the sea and running up steep hill sides for fun. We said we would turn ourselves around if we lived the ozzy lifestyle. Oh dear!

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I've been here seven months, and have stayed the same weight, but have tried so hard to lose some, but its the wine you drink, you just can't help yourself, you literally feel as if you are on holiday and so get in that way of thinking. It has not helped us as we have the in-laws here who are staying for three months (they go home in a week), so we can't be on diets all the time whilst they have been here, watching what we eat and not drinking, as it feels unsocial able. Also Pete has been home for seven months so we tend to pop out for lunch (well we did before the kids broke up for the school hols) to make the most of spending the time together. There is a big fitness thing here and you see people all the time jogging, fast walking, personal trainers on the beach, there is a real mix, I'm looking forward to getting back to a bit of normality once the in-laws have gone back and hubby goes back to work. And yes you read that right, Pete has a job and starts Mon, so we have been celebrating this week (again lots of wine has been drunk). Roll on when we get back on to our diets and fitness regime.

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doesnt help that i cant stop eating at the mo, feels like im putting on loads and i cant do anything about it !! by the time i get to the plane, they wont let me on lol !! might not be a seat wide enough for my big butt !!


I've been doing the same, thought it was just the baby but now im thinking its defiantly a coping mechanism as sometimes im not even that hungry! maybe its a way of making sure we get a decent hit of the the UK food we love and will miss! Although I've heard the oz food isn't too bad!

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