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Skype interview...any advice appreciated!!!


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Well, cant believe it. Have a Skype interview next week, didn't think this would happen!!


Does anyone have any tips and advice, of what potential employers in Oz look for. I know I have the usual behavioural questions etc, but just wondered if they look for anything extra?





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Well, cant believe it. Have a Skype interview next week, didn't think this would happen!!


Does anyone have any tips and advice, of what potential employers in Oz look for. I know I have the usual behavioural questions etc, but just wondered if they look for anything extra?






thats brilliant! what's the job? good luck x

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I don't unfortunately. We do Skype quite a lot to talk to my SIL. Have you used Skype much before? I always need the pic of me next to the camera lens that way I tend to look at the camera otherwise it looks as though you aren't making eye contact. Make sure the lighting is good before you start. Maybe set it all up and phone a friend to check.


I'll be watching any more tips as I'm hoping to be interviewed on line too having been short listed for a role this week; and it's the only job I've applied for so far :embarrassed:


Lou :biggrin:

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My oh had first and second interviews on Skype before we left the UK. Nothing to worry about just be yourself, there will be a bit of a time delay and you will be nervous so just remember to allow a bit more time, it's easy to talk over the other person, don't be surprised at comments or questions from someone off screen, sometimes they forget they need to be in front of the camera or you can't see them. If they like you again don't be surprised if you don't hear back for a few weeks, unlike the UK they will check your references before they offer you a job, good luck

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I recently had an interview via skype. The biggest shock was that it was at 6am! I didn't really find much of a difference to an interview in person if I'm honest - with the exception that they couldn't see me wringing my hands which was an advantage!!


I was asked a few questions with reference to my job and a few about rugby :)

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Hubby had skype interview it was a strange experience so he said. The interviewer could see him but he could not see the interviewer. Think it was all part of the game plan.

When he started work he finally met the guy who carried out the interview when he asked about it the reply was to see if you can cope with a strange situation - see if it flusters you - plus it was also to do with communication skills. Good luck I am sure you will be fine.

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Just check what is behind you on the bookcase first - a) 'plant' some impressive reference material in view and b) hide the 'Idiots guide to...' style books. If you are any good with Photoshop then perhaps a photo on the wall of you receiving your MBE from Queen!. Seriously though - I do sometimes see bizarre things in the background during Skype meetings.

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Reading this post has given me some hope as recently my husband and I have applied for jobs and been shortlisted for interview but only if we were in Perth. We are hoping at least one of us could secure something from the UK with a Skype interview, but so far no luck. I was going to stop applying (frustrating as there are quite a few jobs I am interested in recently) but this post has raised a little hope. We shall persist! Good luck with your interview and let us all know how it goes!

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I agree with the advice already given, I had a telephone interview at 6.30am, would rather have been able to see the panel and slight time delay was a bit off putting then didn't hear for 2 weeks but found out references had been sought and was offered the job first one I applied for and got it! The interview was 30-40 mins, and only 4 questions but quite in depth and focused on the demonstration of the essential criteria in the JD. Communication skills are key as already mentioned, not sure what the job is but I am sure the principles will apply to all jobs. Good luck and hope it goes well.

Edited by Hopeful
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Reading this post has given me some hope as recently my husband and I have applied for jobs and been shortlisted for interview but only if we were in Perth. We are hoping at least one of us could secure something from the UK with a Skype interview, but so far no luck. I was going to stop applying (frustrating as there are quite a few jobs I am interested in recently) but this post has raised a little hope. We shall persist! Good luck with your interview and let us all know how it goes!

Keep trying, we both got jobs before we arrived. My OH registered with seek.com and applied for lots, had Skype interviews for 2 local authorities and accepted the offer from the one she preferred. I researched on the web and emailed my CV to companies I liked the look of, had email chats with 3, was offered a job by 1 before we even spoke, had 3 phone interviews with the one I really wanted, first with one of the HR people then 2 with my now boss and the operations manager, all went quiet for a couple of weeks while they checked references then a call offering me the job. I guess it's right place right time thing but don't give up it can be done

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Good Luck - hope it goes well.


Just remember to sit upright and look at the camera and keep your hands away from your face. I have been on an interviewing panel many times using skype to interview applicants, and the worst thing is that some people don't dress professionally (one bloke was in his PJ's!), some people slouch in front of the computer, and some people scratch their faces or chew nails...... You would do none of these things in a face to face interview, so dress and act for the skype interviiew as if it was a face to face interview. Remember that the interviewer/s will be assessing your body language as much as your intellectual knowledge and language.


Let us know how it goes....

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Keep trying, we both got jobs before we arrived. My OH registered with seek.com and applied for lots, had Skype interviews for 2 local authorities and accepted the offer from the one she preferred. I researched on the web and emailed my CV to companies I liked the look of, had email chats with 3, was offered a job by 1 before we even spoke, had 3 phone interviews with the one I really wanted, first with one of the HR people then 2 with my now boss and the operations manager, all went quiet for a couple of weeks while they checked references then a call offering me the job. I guess it's right place right time thing but don't give up it can be done

Thanks Robc thats really encouraging!

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Hey there!,


Do keep trying. Ive applied for loads of jobs, with the major banks and didn't hear a thing for ages. Had some calls and emails recently, so the opportunities are there. Depending on what line of work you do, contact hays in the UK. They have a rep who looks out for people emigrating to the UK. They passed my details on and arranged this interview. If you need any info, PM me.





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Thanks so much mwjw I will have a look at hays. I work in the FMCG sector as a Category Manager and their seems to be a lot of jobs online at the moment that suit me. I will keep trying! cheers


Good luck with the interview if you haven;t had it yet


Hey there!,


Do keep trying. Ive applied for loads of jobs, with the major banks and didn't hear a thing for ages. Had some calls and emails recently, so the opportunities are there. Depending on what line of work you do, contact hays in the UK. They have a rep who looks out for people emigrating to the UK. They passed my details on and arranged this interview. If you need any info, PM me.





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