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family meals ....


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So i have been cooking really well (in my opinion!) since we got here!... This week i cooked pesto pasta with chicken and bacon... And a few random green beans on the side!.... The kids loved it and couldn't eat it quick enough!..... So very quick and easy but was a big hit with everyone!! :) xx

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Chilli lasagne ... make a chilli and use tortilla wraps as the lasagne sheets, chicken, pumpkin, spinach and pasta in a cheese sauce, Fish, leek, peas in a white sauce (put some dill in it) ... top with defrosted French fries and put in the oven ... (Fish and Chip pie), chicken, leek, capsicum, mushrooms in a savoury white sauce - put into pre made vol-au-vent (large) cases and baked in the oven.

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So i have been cooking really well (in my opinion!) since we got here!... This week i cooked pesto pasta with chicken and bacon... And a few random green beans on the side!.... The kids loved it and couldn't eat it quick enough!..... So very quick and easy but was a big hit with everyone!! :) xx


My kids love pesto pasta too, has to be home made pesto though !

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My OHs lasagne is always a hit with my three, spaghetti carbonara, mild curry, meatballs and pasta (pasta is a big hit on our family), chicken and vegetables mixed into Mayo and then cooked in puff pastry, homemade pizzas, fish pie, Boursin chicken wrapped in bacon. Sometimes I lay out all the leftovers and the kids have a 'buffet' day.

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Been having a baking day. Trying something new as I too get bored with the same old. Should be clearing out cupboards but want some comfort food as piddling down with rain and cold!


I have just made (but not eaten yet) a chicken and mushroom pie.


Pan fry until brown 1/2 onion, mushrooms and chicken thigh meat. Stir in a little flour, chicken stock, sage, mustard powder and a splash of milk (would use cream but haven't got any), seasoning. Cook until reduced a little. Allow to cool. Using the same pan (no handle) to save washing up, top with a layer of pastry. Brush with milk /egg and bake in the oven for around 35 mins on a high heat, 210'c. Will serve with roast potatoes (as kids hate mash) and green veg.


I made loads of pastry so I could make other things at the same time. 16oz of plain flour and 8oz of fat has made enough pastry for a pie top, a 9" Bakewell tart and a small jam tart.


The Bakewell tart is a new recipe too. This one instead of using regular flour in the frangipane sponge part, uses rice flour and ground almonds. Wow! The texture and flavour are excellent. Will definitely use this recipe in future. If you love marzipan you will love this! Found it in a very old recipe book. If anyone wants the recipe, just ask.

Edited by Akasully2
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just a random dinner tonight, using leftovers so balsamic roast new potatoes, linda mcartney sausages and homemade coleslaw! A big hit with the kids is tuna pasta, put pasta in to boil and while its cooking chop cucumber, tomatoes and chuck some sweetcorn and tin of tuna in as well. I like red onion in it as well but kids pick it out. Anyway add a couple of big spoons of mayo and salt and pepper. Once pasta cooked, drain and chuck in with the rest. Mix it all up and serve while warm but is nice as pasta salad too when cold.

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On my restricted diet today and not allowed food tomorrow :(


But had garlic chilli prawns yesterday with crusty bread for dipping in the juice - I do them in white wine


Wednesday is going to be a Texan chili but served with mash rather than rice


Thursday not sure - thinking maybe a rare rib of beef dish I do that is mixed into a salad with a dressing made from the pan juices.

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