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learning 80 tracks for a band i've joined....first gig is at kings park in 4 weeks! nice setting :)[/


i wish i had to learn 80's songs instead of already knowing them!!!




that's a funny misquote...there's a few 80's ones in the set though! don't worry, I also remember the era pretty well :)

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Restless mind tonight I should be going to bed but instead keep tapping away on the iPad semi-aimlessly. I have replied to unanswered threads, updated a few of my own, researched dog breeds again and kept re looking at how much time we have until we go.


Everyone else in the house is a sleep. I have work tomorrow but it now just seems like an inconvenience that it stopping me from sorting out my cupboards and talking to the solicitor about the move. However, I will give it my all tomorrow. I keep thinking, I only have a couple of weeks left, why am I doing this so thoroughly? I then realise it is because I can't short change the girls, I have to do my best for them. So I am still marking sketchbooks and giving them detailed feedback on how to make their work better, although I could just 'tick' it. But what does that tell them? Nothing.

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I would love to Porty and very tempted. But will have to get this doc done at some point today - my boss on site is still pretty annoyed i am on sick and they have just sacked my 2ic and my own job is precarious.


I have also been sending out job aps, but there is very little going in my own field and i am not really qualified for much else. So, am seriously thinking about starting a window cleaning and home cleaning business! My wife cried when i mentioned it as she says i shouldnt stoop so low. But unless the loto numbers come up, i need an income!

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Stoop so low??? You know the guy that set up car cleaning in Sainsbury's, Tesco and Ikea car parks signed exclusive rights to do so and is now worth millions right?

I've thought about cleaning co's, especially those which prey on the rental market, cleaning vacant properties for desperate tenants hoping to claw back some of their bond.


I asked mrs p if she thought I'd do well offering a nude ironing service and she spat her tea. Back to the drawing board...

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lol. I thought about offering some naked services as well. But only as halloween specials ;)


I think my wife kind of sees it as she is very proud of me going from a bloke sleeping rough in a shop door way to giving board presentations and thinks i would be going backwards. Personally, i would prefer a simpler quieter life.


I did the math and i would need about 10 customers per day to give us a similar financial lifestyle as we have now.

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I've just sent off my fifth job application for this week. 6 months without a job now and getting more than a little bored. Building up some contacts and freelance work but I'm at least 12 months away from having any kind of regular income from that.


Porty keep building up those contacts and freelance work because word of mouth is the best advertisement ever..... you know there is a little jingle on a Super Ad on telly that goes something like "from little things, big things grow...." Hold that thought and pad it out with positivity!!!

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I would love to Porty and very tempted. But will have to get this doc done at some point today - my boss on site is still pretty annoyed i am on sick and they have just sacked my 2ic and my own job is precarious.


I have also been sending out job aps, but there is very little going in my own field and i am not really qualified for much else. So, am seriously thinking about starting a window cleaning and home cleaning business! My wife cried when i mentioned it as she says i shouldnt stoop so low. But unless the loto numbers come up, i need an income!



Hey Stormy never think that being a cleaner/ window cleaner is stooping low..... it shows that you have an amazing work ethic and will not sit back on your butt going "woe is me!" Did a lot of other peoples cleaning and shopping and gardening and stuff when we first moved to WA as I couldn't get a job in education admin (my field of expertise). Kept the wolf from the door for me and the kids for a while and

23 years later still have a couple of really goods friends I met from my little business. Sometimes life throws us curve balls for a reason and maybe this is one for you as there is something really good out there for you. Who knows you could end up owning a massive franchise business like the Lawnmowing bloke you see everywhere!!! Also just a thought, but what are you like about little household maintenance jobs? There are a lot of us pensioners "out there" who need people to do stuff we can no longer do for ourselves.... might be worth a thought!? Whatever happens Stormy, you seem to be a very level headed guy who can see outside the box, and I hope all goes well for you.

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lol. I thought about offering some naked services as well. But only as halloween specials ;)


I think my wife kind of sees it as she is very proud of me going from a bloke sleeping rough in a shop door way to giving board presentations and thinks i would be going backwards. Personally, i would prefer a simpler quieter life.


I did the math and i would need about 10 customers per day to give us a similar financial lifestyle as we have now.


So good that your wife is very proud of you..... as you should be of yourself too Stormy. That is one amazing journey you have had and look where you are now. But one thing I have learnt in my life is that what you do to earn a living is not what defines you as a person. What does it matter about a million other things from how you treat people and animals, to how honest and genuine a person you are.... a plethora of "things" that do not include what your job title is. Whether you clean houses and windows for a living or run a multi-million dollar business, so long as you are happy within yourself and know that you are the "best person" you can be, isn't that all that matters?

Edited by Rossmoyne
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Guest guest9824
Stoop so low??? You know the guy that set up car cleaning in Sainsbury's, Tesco and Ikea car parks signed exclusive rights to do so and is now worth millions right?

I've thought about cleaning co's, especially those which prey on the rental market, cleaning vacant properties for desperate tenants hoping to claw back some of their bond.


I asked mrs p if she thought I'd do well offering a nude ironing service and she spat her tea. Back to the drawing board...


...I could supply tarts,(bakewells that is)...if that fits in anywhere with the nude ironing services...:wink:

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seriously , here in the uk the migrants are coming over and setting up car valeting/cleaning business and the cars queue up for £5 a time. I have seriously thought of setting this up in Perth. they use the old petrol station sites. they are raking it in.

Also my son has a 2 storey and trying to get window cleaners is a nightmare nobody will do upstairs. my own window cleaner uses the filter water system with a long pole and never uses his ladders.

I know you 2 are joking but the opportunities are there for someone, or wait for me it will be Linda cleaning not Jims mowing everywhere

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Guest guest9824
seriously , here in the uk the migrants are coming over and setting up car valeting/cleaning business and the cars queue up for £5 a time. I have seriously thought of setting this up in Perth. they use the old petrol station sites. they are raking it in.

Also my son has a 2 storey and trying to get window cleaners is a nightmare nobody will do upstairs. my own window cleaner uses the filter water system with a long pole and never uses his ladders.

I know you 2 are joking but the opportunities are there for someone, or wait for me it will be Linda cleaning not Jims mowing everywhere


They charge $25 per car for a clean by hand at our car wash, that's quite a lot of mooola....throw in a coffee shop/diner while you wait...and whammoooo we have our next big PP venture! $$$$$$$$

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Guest guest9824
at the moment I am enjoying some cuddles of my littlest bean shoot -been really busy at work for the past four days and have missed her so sod the cleaning, we're cuddling in front of Dora the explorer!



I wish iI could pin mine down for a cuddle...enjoy bean....x

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