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How do you know if you have a PP problem?


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...it is like group therapy!.. Everyone can relate to what everyone else is or about to go through! I love it!! ;)


:laugh: That's funny. Everyone hold hands and repeat the mantra, "We will get through this. Together we are strong. We will improve our lifestyle."

Every now and then someone knocks on the door, we all look round, "No, no, sorry, basket weaving is just down the hall."

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Before we came to ozzie upside down land I use to read every thread to the bitter end. Now I pick and chose what I read. Through no ones fault posts do tend to repeat themselves as new families start the long journey to emigrating. Some I read some I even reply to. Most people do not get my sense of humour use to feel a tad upset now I do not give two monkeys. Some tolerate it others do not I am a say it as you see it kind of person why use big words when little ones will do. So I feel now after 19 months of being here I am finally withdrawing from PP can go weeks with out a look but of late I have been popping on and even replying and posting again. But now I have had my fix the ironing needs to be done and bathroom needs cleaning. There I have had my chill after work this morning with my coffee time to roll up my sleeves and get on with it. Life does go on in the upside down land same dishes need washing floor to hoover and mop ect :biggrin:

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Before we came to ozzie upside down land I use to read every thread to the bitter end. Now I pick and chose what I read. Through no ones fault posts do tend to repeat themselves as new families start the long journey to emigrating. Some I read some I even reply to. Most people do not get my sense of humour use to feel a tad upset now I do not give two monkeys. Some tolerate it others do not I am a say it as you see it kind of person why use big words when little ones will do. So I feel now after 19 months of being here I am finally withdrawing from PP can go weeks with out a look but of late I have been popping on and even replying and posting again. But now I have had my fix the ironing needs to be done and bathroom needs cleaning. There I have had my chill after work this morning with my coffee time to roll up my sleeves and get on with it. Life does go on in the upside down land same dishes need washing floor to hoover and mop ect :biggrin:


Theres hope then, we will recover, in the end!? :smile2:

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I log on everyday, browse the new forum posts and try to help where ever I can. I also check the unanswered posts, going back to the last 14 days in case there is something I have missed.


I also enjoy reading the stories from people who are just about the start the visa process, brings back lots of memories

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I don't think I am an addict, but if I am home during the day I do switch on to check out threads I am participating in, new posts and unanswered threads. But having said that, if I have a busy week or I go away, I don't get withdrawal symptoms... I just have to allocate a fair amount of time to "catch up" when I get home!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest9824
Being new to PP I am working my way through it all lol..just wish I'd found it 2 years ago..Onwards and Upwards as they say..Can't get any worse only better :) but I reckon it will be addictive


Glad you have joined in Andrea. I think this can be a very helpful site to many who aren't here yet and many who are here and in the early transitional stages, which can be hard, and lonely. I feel that a sympathetic ear, be it in the supermarket, at the school gates or on a forum, is a great way of overcoming any worries, anxieties or feelings. Better to talk about things, than to bottle then up and then it becomes a humongous issue. There are a few of us who have been here a while, some have made the move smoothly, some have struggled and it's good to know you aren't alone in how you feel, and never be ashamed to admit you aren't 'in love with oz' yet! It can take time especially without family support and home comforts.


Maybe you could turn up at one of the social gatherings that will no doubt be organised in the coming months, good chance to meet new people, hear their stories and experiences and share your own experiences. Best of luck and keep posting.



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