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who saw you off at the airport ??

jo and scott

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My parents came to the airport. It was lovely having them there and we all managed to hold it together for the goodbyes but I was worried we wouldn't. I wouldn't change it looking back but if there had been a melt down on either side I would have preferred to have done it all in the privacy of our home x

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We said our goodbyes at home then travelled to the airport on our own. Kinda wanted the journey down to be the start of our adventure and we didn't want ppl upset at the aiport then having to make the long drive back. Everybody's different though. What are you thinking?



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A lot of people kept saying they'd turn up to see us off which freaked us out as we didn't want to be upset before getting on the plane - so we politely told people that we didn't want a send off but saw people prior to going. My in-laws dropped us off at the airport, we asked them not to linger which they didn't - there was still some tears from all of us, but it meant that that bit wan't prolonged. It's terribly bittersweet - you're excited about starting your adventure but sad at leaving people behind.

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We got a taxi to the airport the day before the flight and stayed in a hotel overnight. Absolutely the best thing we could have done.


It would have been far too traumatic for everyone concerned to have OH's family at the airport. His Mum was inconsolable as it was. As we were waiting for the taxi FIL came out with the corker "Well, this is like waiting for a hearse at funeral" To be fair he was quite accurate!


It also gave us some breathing space before the flight to chill out and start looking forward to our new life.

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Hi Jo


We purposely decided to say all goodbyes at the house and then get ourselves to the airport and I would not have changed a thing. The days leading up to us going were awful, we wanted to spend as much time as possible with family so had two long days with them after packing up the house and moving into a hotel, it was the worse decision of our lives. We all spent the time being in each other's company but hardly talking as we all knew what was coming, we all went out for a family meal but it was very awkward. The actual moment of saying goodbye was the worse thing I have ever had to do in my life. BUT, and it is a big but, the moment we were in the taxi heading towards the airport, the excitement took over and it became an adventure again. We were spending a night at the airport in a hotel before our flight the next morning.


I'm not sure I could have handled the tears and emotions at the airport as all parties were finding it very difficult. My children still say to this day it was very difficult to see their granddad crying as we said goodbye and they hated that weekend, but all three were very excited at the hotel and it felt like something big was going to happen in a good way, rather than the doom and gloom we had experienced the few days before.

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We got a bus to airport the nite b4 and stayed in a hotel.It was hard enought getting on the plane with everyone phoning and texts.Would not of got on the plane if anyone was at the airport.It was one of the hardest things I have done.Good byes the nite b4 was hard enought.

You do what feels right for you.

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Mrs p was already here so it was just me and the kids.

We had my aunt looking after our house so she was the only family we said goodbye to on the day.

We had an evening flight form Heathrow and as we lived in SE London it wasn't a long journey and one of my mates took us along with his son, my son's best friend. They were both quite upset as we unloaded our bags and although it wasn't rushed we didn't linger. In a way I wish we had. I think there were some things my son wanted to say but didn't have a chance to. I wasn't particularly respectful of his feelings, believing that at 8 years old he may not be mature enough to make much sense of it. I think I was wrong.


There were tears from all of us as the plane lifted off. Very emotional time. Mixed emotions.

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thanks for your replies :-))


after speaking to scott about this we have decided that we would like to stay at the airport the night before we fly. we would like to be excited at the airport and we feel that having family there sobbing would be too upsetting.


i think if we didnt have children i would definitely feel differently about it.

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thanks for your replies :-))


after speaking to scott about this we have decided that we would like to stay at the airport the night before we fly. we would like to be excited at the airport and we feel that having family there sobbing would be too upsetting.


i think if we didnt have children i would definitely feel differently about it.

I think you are being very wise. You need to keep it as a positive experience ( which it still is for most of us ) the kids don't need to see the grief. Good luck.

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I definitely think we will say goodbye to people before the airport - I actually kind of hope my parents are at their French home when the time comes to make it easier all round for me! Our boy is too young to understand what is going on so that is not an issue but I would hate seeing my parents upset having to say goodbye to him.

Like all have said, I want the fun and adventure to start en route to the airport!

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My husband went out 9 weeks before me and I found it a really stressful time dealing with family who wanted to come to the airport with me. I knew from he start that I wanted my husbands brother to take me the night before and me stay in a hotel on my own, I wanted to get the goodbyes over with and then concentrate on trying to chill the night before and look forward to seeing my husband again. That is eventually what I did but it did upset people. They didn't want me on my own (even though I wanted to be) and also wanted to 'squeeze every last second with me'. My advice would be to tell people early on so that they can get used to it and prepare that they are saying bye earlier than they might have expected. Good luck with everything x

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thanks ! that's a really good idea to let them know early, im at my mums for dinner today so I will talk to her about it. my mum keeps mentioning Australia to me lately saying we must be getting excited and its not too far away, ive avoided speaking to her about it recently, she doesn't know that we have had our invitation to lodge our visa, now Christmas is out of the way we might talk about it more.


raychelsleb - do you have children with you or was you by yourself ?

dangerous dave - we've been at my mum in laws for 18 months, so a week at the airport before we fly might be a good idea lol !!

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18 months!!!



I know !!!!


I secretly quite like it, but scott and the girls don't, its getting harder for the girls living here, especially lauren, shes 10 1/2. think they struggle living in such a small space, bunk beds in the box room, no space for their things, need to get packing and get our visa asap !!

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