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Hows Perth doin ?


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Just thought we would see from you guys in sunny WA how you think things are going … jobs , economy, expenses etc ?

Really wondering as we know about job freeze for us nurse's …. however a freind of ours has just popped back from Perth , and hes been telling us how hard things are at the minute . However he has had it pretty good for the last 8 years ! …. Basically hes now selling pizzas and struggling a bit.


So , yep how do you guys think its going out there ……. UK is supposed to be out of ressesion but with Europe hanging over its head - were not to sure !


We've both agreed … as long as we can eat and get down the beach at least 5 times a week …… life should be pretty cool ;o)

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Just thought we would see from you guys in sunny WA how you think things are going … jobs , economy, expenses etc ?

Really wondering as we know about job freeze for us nurse's …. however a freind of ours has just popped back from Perth , and hes been telling us how hard things are at the minute . However he has had it pretty good for the last 8 years ! …. Basically hes now selling pizzas and struggling a bit.


So , yep how do you guys think its going out there ……. UK is supposed to be out of ressesion but with Europe hanging over its head - were not to sure !


We've both agreed … as long as we can eat and get down the beach at least 5 times a week …… life should be pretty cool ;o)


As much as I love it here I wouldn't be moving right now knowing how it is here.

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This is my comparison.


I was made redundant 19 months ago. In the first 18 months I have not managed to get a permanent job, or even an interview. Just casual and contracting and a little bit of consulting. In the last month, I have focused on UK jobs. I have had several interviews and am waiting to hear back in the next few days.


As a result, we will be leaving Australia in the very near future.

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It really depends on the work you are doing. My wife is a social worker - plenty of work. Just received another contract. I'm an online marketing specialist. Although I am self employed I got a few offers.


Definitely think this is true - if you can scope out the job market before you get here and manage your expectations it will help a lot. We arrived in Sept and I managed to get a job in Nov - I'm an accountant and if you listen to all the news (and a few of the agencies I went to) you could get convinced that you have no hope. But I believe if you have a can do attitude (and do your research) then you will be fine.


And on the plus side because of the downturn rents are cheaper and you have more choice. House prices have come down and are predicted to fall even further. Although it has dropped in the last couple of months the exchange rate is a heck of a lot better than it has been. And that sun keeps on shinning!



Although we miss friends and family we do love it here and certainly don't want to move back.

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This is my comparison.


I was made redundant 19 months ago. In the first 18 months I have not managed to get a permanent job, or even an interview. Just casual and contracting and a little bit of consulting. In the last month, I have focused on UK jobs. I have had several interviews and am waiting to hear back in the next few days.


As a result, we will be leaving Australia in the very near future.

Shame stormy …. will UK be temp move you reckon ?

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It really depends on the work you are doing. My wife is a social worker - plenty of work. Just received another contract. I'm an online marketing specialist. Although I am self employed I got a few offers.


Isn't there an inverse relationship between the amount of work for social workers and the state of the economy?

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Definitely think this is true - if you can scope out the job market before you get here and manage your expectations it will help a lot. We arrived in Sept and I managed to get a job in Nov - I'm an accountant and if you listen to all the news (and a few of the agencies I went to) you could get convinced that you have no hope. But I believe if you have a can do attitude (and do your research) then you will be fine.


And on the plus side because of the downturn rents are cheaper and you have more choice. House prices have come down and are predicted to fall even further. Although it has dropped in the last couple of months the exchange rate is a heck of a lot better than it has been. And that sun keeps on shinning!



Although we miss friends and family we do love it here and certainly don't want to move back.




I really think it depends on your circumstances. If you are prepared for the worst case and happy to treat it as a long holiday if you can't get work then it can be great.



But if you have a family and you're betting the farm on it working out, you might want to wait awhile.



Also depends on how secure you are in the UK. I would not give up security for a dream right now. But in two years time, who knows. Plus visas take time, and they are valid for a while.

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With the way Europe is going to be come summer, Perth is an extremely good place to be (on a PR visa, I should add). It is good to have a bit of extra buffer in the bank and be mindful of spending.


Indeed the rental market is cooling and property investors are increasingly nervous especially now that negative gearing is under scrutiny.


Local colleagues at the workplace (private sector, consumer discretionary) do not seem too worried, yet. Retail is still churning, but I guess overall household debt is worryingly high.


Consultant friend says it will be very quiet workwise for engineers, construction and mining come July, though. So much depends on China, and there's not much anyone can do about it...

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yeah I'd avoid mining and oil and gas for a while. All the big players in those fields are posting big looses at the moment. More redundancies recently, one guy got laid off and tried to hang himself in toilet of the plane ( the plane i'm employed to maintain) on way back. Sad times.

that is so sad @Plimthing :(

we are eventually selling up and making the leap but stories like this make you think twice. we are now heading east due to more work opportunities and cheaper housing... x

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that is sad @Plimthing……….. However alot of cases like that in UK where fear of money is involved . very sad indeed .


whilst the recession was in full swing in the UK - i volunteered with a local homeless shelter and it makes you think - how many of us could be in that situation if you miss 3 mortgage payments in a row.


But yep , well see

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that is sad @Plimthing……….. However alot of cases like that in UK where fear of money is involved . very sad indeed .


whilst the recession was in full swing in the UK - i volunteered with a local homeless shelter and it makes you think - how many of us could be in that situation if you miss 3 mortgage payments in a row.


But yep , well see


We are doing just fine and came over in November. It will depend on your industry but you're coming with a positive mindset and if you're realistic that you may have to live of some savings for a while you'll get there. There's too much doom and gloom around, but we've met others who have recently come over and they've found employment quickly. Although maybe not their 'skill' which was assessed.

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With the way Europe is going to be come summer, Perth is an extremely good place to be (on a PR visa, I should add). It is good to have a bit of extra buffer in the bank and be mindful of spending.


Indeed the rental market is cooling and property investors are increasingly nervous especially now that negative gearing is under scrutiny.


Local colleagues at the workplace (private sector, consumer discretionary) do not seem too worried, yet. Retail is still churning, but I guess overall household debt is worryingly high.


Consultant friend says it will be very quiet workwise for engineers, construction and mining come July, though. So much depends on China, and there's not much anyone can do about it...


What's happening to Europe in the summer?

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Pegg it certainly is getting harder to get work in areas connected with the mining industry, and the state government currently have a job freeze in the health industry as you know. The whole economy in WA was stupid for quite a few years with the mining boom, and because of the high wages that generated, it spread into just about every avenue from housing to retail, and especially in the industries that provide luxury items. In some ways the end to the mining boom has been a godsend to the state as it has halted the stupid prices on just about everything. However, as with all recessions, there are casualties unfortunately, and a lot of families have been affected. But it had to happen and it was quite unsustainable in the way prices were rising so quickly.


On the plus side, rents and house prices are lowering, and a lot of shops, both food and otherwise, are being more realistic in their pricing structures. There have been some businesses hit the wall of course, but there are also some that are increasing, so I don't think it is a "one size fits all" situation.


I don't think anyone can advise you on whether to carry on with your plans to emigrate now or to leave it until later. It is a very personal decision. When we emigrated in 1991, there was a property decline in UK and a recession underway in WA, and although we lost a lot of money on our UK property, we scored a brilliant deal in WA, so it equated overall. Finding permanent work took about a year, but casual and temp jobs kept us afloat, just. Personally I think we appreciate what we have now more because we had to fight for it, and made a lot of sacrifices along the way.


Whatever decision you make Pegg, I hope it works well for you and your family.

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Pegg it certainly is getting harder to get work in areas connected with the mining industry, and the state government currently have a job freeze in the health industry as you know. The whole economy in WA was stupid for quite a few years with the mining boom, and because of the high wages that generated, it spread into just about every avenue from housing to retail, and especially in the industries that provide luxury items. In some ways the end to the mining boom has been a godsend to the state as it has halted the stupid prices on just about everything. However, as with all recessions, there are casualties unfortunately, and a lot of families have been affected. But it had to happen and it was quite unsustainable in the way prices were rising so quickly.


On the plus side, rents and house prices are lowering, and a lot of shops, both food and otherwise, are being more realistic in their pricing structures. There have been some businesses hit the wall of course, but there are also some that are increasing, so I don't think it is a "one size fits all" situation.


I don't think anyone can advise you on whether to carry on with your plans to emigrate now or to leave it until later. It is a very personal decision. When we emigrated in 1991, there was a property decline in UK and a recession underway in WA, and although we lost a lot of money on our UK property, we scored a brilliant deal in WA, so it equated overall. Finding permanent work took about a year, but casual and temp jobs kept us afloat, just. Personally I think we appreciate what we have now more because we had to fight for it, and made a lot of sacrifices along the way.


Whatever decision you make Pegg, I hope it works well for you and your family.


Thankyou, yes totally agree …. where just thinking now with pound taking a hamering yesterday - That exchange rate will be pretty crappy until europe referendum is over.

Anyhow thanks again @Rossmoyne

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