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Visa Extension - Roadhouse work

Guest modonnell221

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Guest modonnell221

Hi Guys,


My girlfriend and I moved to Perth two weeks ago to search for jobs in our respective fields on our WHV's. I work in Financial Services and she works in Pharma and we are both 25.


We have now become concerned that it may take longer than expected to secure jobs we want to settle in and we both would like to see some more of oz. We therefore have decided to kill two birds with one stone and look for some remote roadhouse work. Hopefully will give us an extension on our visas and thus giving us more time to look for work while allowing us to do some travel and see the outback.


Can anyone offer any advice or does anyone have any contacts that would be useful? I know its a long shot but work a punt.


(Perth is stunning by the way )


Mark & Joanne

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