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I was just thinking that there must be loads of questions that people have, that have no bearing on the important stuff - but it would just be nice to know from people that have already been there......


My burning random question at the moment is:


Do you ever get used to the seasons being the other way round?


N x

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Depends where you are going really. In Perth we get Summer and Winter, and then for a week or two either side of that we get spring or autumn. Not sure that you get used them being the other way round though and it took me a good many years to get used to Christmas in the middle of summer. Used to it now, but just wish we had summer time too.....

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Guest guest9824

Christmas is definately weird in the heat and just feels wrong. But we still have the full turkey dinner etc, then a dip in the pool. I think we spend more time as a family here than I am guessing we would have done in the Uk. People tend to go to each others houses to socialise which is nice, therefore the kids aren't left out.


I will never get used to australian Cadbury, don't know what they do with it, but it's not the same (this is very important to note):biggrin:



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I will never get used to australian Cadbury, don't know what they do with it, but it's not the same (this is very important to note):biggrin:




I always wondered that until recently Peanut, but apparently there is an additional ingredient in Australian Cadbury to preven it melting on the shelf! Makes sense but I don't know how true that is. I always thought it was down to the quality of the grass the cows ate to make the milk!!!

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Havent yet. Its fine except for christmas which just feels wrong.


I don't mind Christmas in the sun, but my hubby would like to be transported somewhere cold for 2 day (xmas day/boxing day) .. he still can't get his head around it.


To the OP, I still think of April as spring

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It's one of the things I think I will find a bit weird.

My birthday is in June and I've always been lucky to have fairly good weather for it. It'll be strange to have a birthday in Winter all of a sudden. Mind you having read some of the threads on here it might not actually be that different, except for the evenings!!!!


Interesting to know about the chocolate - will make sure I bring a supply (if I'm allowed to import a years worth :wink: )

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  • 4 months later...
Another random question struck me this morning as I was washing my hair.....


Is the mains water over there hard or soft - and can you drink it? I feel like having visited I should know the answer but where we stayed was out in the sticks so we were on bore hole and rain water.


It's hideous. I can't get used to it. In London they say the waters been through 6 (adjust up or down at own discretion), people before it comes out of your tap. If that's the case then I must prefer my water with a hint of wee!

They seem to dump flouride into it at different times of the year and sometimes I turn on the tap and it smells like a swimming pool. We don't drink it, we've invested in a water cooler for drinking.

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I was just thinking that there must be loads of questions that people have, that have no bearing on the important stuff - but it would just be nice to know from people that have already been there......


My burning random question at the moment is:


Do you ever get used to the seasons being the other way round?


N x


im looking forward to a hot 'winter' my little lucys birthday in on 10th December, she has always had wet cold birthdays, looking forward to a hot one in the garden !!

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Guest guest9824
Another random question struck me this morning as I was washing my hair.....


Is the mains water over there hard or soft - and can you drink it? I feel like having visited I should know the answer but where we stayed was out in the sticks so we were on bore hole and rain water.


We drink the water...maybe thats the reason Im a bit :wacko:. I do drink bottled water as well, and you do need to keep up your water consumption here, I have never suffered badly with headaches but have here and put it down to the fact that I dont drink enough...water that is!

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Is the 'deluge' of rain they have been having in Perth a little like the UK's reaction when it snows? Everything comes to a halt, the news if full of articles of bizarre rain[snow] fall etc.


Or is it really like the world is going to end and the people of Perth need to go on youtube to learn how to make Ark's in their mahoosive sheds?

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Guest guest9824
WOW! :shocked: That's expensive. Fortunatley I don't like chocolate THAT much!


:swoon:.....no likey choccy THATY MUCHY....and I thought you were part of the sisterhood Nikkis2000....:shocked:....hang your head in shame sister....:nah::wink:

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