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My son inflates if bitten. Seriously, wherever he's bitten the entire limb swells up, turns red and gives off so much heat you could toast marshmallows on it. Last year he was bitten on his forehead. The poor boy lost all definition in his face had to go into school looking like some kind of weird, puffy, Avatar character.

We've tried everything for him and all that works is prevention - a daily bath in Deet.

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I get bitten really badly too, we are in Middle East at mo and they are terrible, I get bitten and I use literally half a can of spray when I go out. I find a dab of hydrocortisone cream as soon as you realise you have been bitten does wonders, keeps swelling down and it will just look like a red spot not the size of a 2p coin that mine get to if left unattended. Also it stops the itching. If you don't have steroid cream Vicks rub, like you would put on your chest if you had a cold is also quite effective .... One thing I am dreading about being there is the mozzies! We don't have a garden here so only out in the communal yard bit for an hour or so each day can't wait to have some space but I imagine I will be eaten alive out there :-( oh well roll on Jan 1st and I guess we will find out!

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Guest guest9824

They bite me too, never used to when I came on holiday here, but since I've become a resident they like the taste of me....especially if I sit near my hubby outside, they swarm round him, good reason not to sit together :biggrin:. We bought a small pocket size device which when bitten, you put it in the area, press the button and it releases an electric shock, really small but it stops the itching, it does work, but only if you use it straight after you have been bitten....I don't like all the sprays, OH uses tropical strength areoguard, such a lovely smell, not. You can get a child's aeroguard too, but not sure how good it is. I hate the little blood suckers.

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I get bitten really badly too, we are in Middle East at mo and they are terrible, I get bitten and I use literally half a can of spray when I go out. I find a dab of hydrocortisone cream as soon as you realise you have been bitten does wonders, keeps swelling down and it will just look like a red spot not the size of a 2p coin that mine get to if left unattended. Also it stops the itching. If you don't have steroid cream Vicks rub, like you would put on your chest if you had a cold is also quite effective .... One thing I am dreading about being there is the mozzies! We don't have a garden here so only out in the communal yard bit for an hour or so each day can't wait to have some space but I imagine I will be eaten alive out there :-( oh well roll on Jan 1st and I guess we will find out!


What sort of strength hydrocortisone do you get out there?


Not only am I mozzie fodder but I also get severe heat rash and hydrocortisone is one thing I use to manage it.


I always found the stuff I get abroad is far better than the UK brands. Is that true for Oz as well or should I stock up?

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What sort of strength hydrocortisone do you get out there?


Not only am I mozzie fodder but I also get severe heat rash and hydrocortisone is one thing I use to manage it.


I always found the stuff I get abroad is far better than the UK brands. Is that true for Oz as well or should I stock up?


just looked at my cream and it is called fusicort it's an antibiotic/corticosteroid cream, I have regular 2% hydrocortisone as well. We can buy it over the counter here so I shall be stocking up before we leave.

We once went to Sri Lanka and stayed in a villa surrounded by trees etc and the first night got bitten to death despite sprays and burning citronella oil so the night after I massaged the citronella oil directly onto my skin, smelt gorgeous but kept them away from me!

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Feel your pain Ali as I have been the token person taken to all outdoor parties so the mossies leave everyone else alone! Never managed to find the perfect deterrant so have used a mix of Sandalwood sticks, citronella oil burner, mozzie coils, and covering myself with RID. Aeroguard smells so awful I never use it, but others swear by it.

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Feel your pain Ali as I have been the token person taken to all outdoor parties so the mossies leave everyone else alone! Never managed to find the perfect deterrant so have used a mix of Sandalwood sticks, citronella oil burner, mozzie coils, and covering myself with RID. Aeroguard smells so awful I never use it, but others swear by it.


Try Bushmens 80% DEET. I have never known anyone - even here in sub saharan africa get a bite while wearing it.

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I have to say they are super mozzies here - they love me also. Its something to do with your blood group so I was told they go after a certain type. I dose myself on vit b and garlic caps daily above the average dose to - guess what it does not work! Works on the continent but not here. They are a super breed I am sure.

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I went out in the garden today, covered head to toe in insect repellant as were the kids, even over faces as I have had 2 attractive bites on my face recently and ...... Got bitten twice through my leggings! I have to say my neighbours think I am mad with the amount of spray we apply plus the citronella candles plus me shrieking at the kids to shut the doors behind them every time they go in but for us as a family the mosquitoes love us all. We have taken to applying hydrocortisone and taking portion syrup as soon as we realise we have been bitten

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