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Perth Nightmare!!!


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So, if you don't want to hear negative Perth news then stop reading now!!


I need to impart my experiences (rant) having been in Perth now for two months things are not all rosy. ( I didn't expect them to be ALL rosy but youll see my point soon)


I'll start with the Job front. Now I consider my self to be luckier than most, having more than one option for employment. In the UK I was a police officer for 16 years, as a second business I ran my own garage as I am a mechanic by trade. In fact,i'm not just a mechanic, I'm a technician who ran a main dealer workshop as assistant manager/foreman and was also a master tech. Ive kept my skills up and have lots of qualifications including management qualifications(and an Aussie one), so I consider myself lucky to have options here in Perth, work at a garage or I could join the police who have a lateral entry programme for officers who come from certain countries who have PR.



I decided that 16 years as a copper was enough and I was happy to work in the motor trade (my Visa was for mechanic) so armed with my CV and qualifications I set about going around the garages in Rockingham. I always think its a good idea to introduce yourself as you hand your CV over that way you can make an impression. I also applied for a few jobs on Seek.com. The very next day I had a call from one main dealer I had visited for and interview. So, I donned my suit and went for an interview with the service manager for a mechanic position. It went well and he said he had never had a "techy" come for interview in a suit!! walked me round, discussed money, showed me where I would be working, not just the workshop the actual car lift I would be working on and shook my hand and said the jobs yours, I'll be in touch in the next week to arrange start date. That was 6 weeks ago, Ive heard nothing from him and Ive not been able to get hold of him!!


In the meantime I had a call from a big dealer about 50kms away who wanted a workshop foreman. So again I put my suit on and went for the interview. This interview was a bit more structured but again we ended up talking money, he showed me where I would work, asked me what I would do to turn it around and at the end of the conversation he said, and I quote, " You present really well, you have some good ideas, you're just what I'm looking for, here is my card (presented business card), the jobs yours, if you haven't heard from our HR department by Monday call me and I'll sort it out". Well, Monday came and went, and I called his mobile, office, switchboard, who also couldn't get hold of him. There was no call from HR and I left messages for them too and they never replied. so, I emailed him about three times over the course of the next two weeks and he eventually replied, not with a sorry or "ive been ill" NO he said "oh we gave that job to someone internally who offered to step up" I replied and was a little short!!


In the meantime I got a call from an advert I had applied to for a mechanic, the advert didnt say where it was and when the guy said where he was from I cringed a little as it is not somewhere I would normally entertain working, its a well known franchise chain here in WA who are advertising heavily on the TV at the moment. I went down and had a chat and he asked me to come in for a days trial. As I had had such bad luck with the other jobs I decided to give it ago.

the trial day was good but I realised that I had stepped back 20 years in my career and into a place I would never have worked at in the UK. I also realise I'm new to the country and have to build a reputation here and you have to start somewhere, right??

After the days trial he asked me to come back tomorrow and then the next day and 3 weeks later I'm still there.

But heres the thing, he's a crook. I work with two other guys who said to me he doesnt pay the hours we work, i didnt understand what they meant until I got my pay slip and aksed the question. We work 8-5 monday the Friday, that is 45 hours, half hour lunch thats 42.5 hours, he tells me I only pay 40 hours and saturday mornings is just normal hourly rate and when youre needed. We very rarely finish on time sometimes finishing at 6 or later. There is also this push to sell processes which are good but not neccessarily needed which im not very comfotable with. The guy that owns the place has said he want me to be the manager of the place and as soon as I learn the booking systems etc he can take a back seat however what ive realised he expects is that I am going to learn the systems in my own time!! I dont think so.


Im not sure what other industries are like or how you are treated by them in Perth but I can see that there is a lot of people in the motortrade out of work here as a result of the mines slowing down. I am surprised that Motor mechanic is still on the skills list as, although there appears to be lots of jobs, they are in fact the lower end of the motor trade and naturally have a high turn over of staff and even if you say oh well it will do to fulfill my dream, remember , you spend a lot of time at work and you need to be happy.


We also hear at these Migration expos and from other people with a vested interest in making money out of our migration that they love the British work ethic in Australia or Aussies are Lazy but thats not true, the three guys i workwith are proper grafters. I have spoken to a few people I know and they openly said that they employ Aussies first and advised me to probably not mention that I'm fresh out from the UK until I'm actually in the interview!!



Ive applied for over 50 motor trade related jobs and apart from the above have had no response.



Anyway, police are recruiting!!!



I will save my next rant for a diffrent post!!

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I can sympathise.


I spent 18 months doing an average of 100 applications a week. All to a high standard with tailor made CV's for each and tailor made covering letters.


Of the permanent jobs I applied for, I only heard back from about a dozen. Normally a standard email response.


Of the temp / contracting jobs, I heard back even less. I did though have 3 interviews - one was two interviews for the same job. An initial and a second interview. I never heard back from either of them despite repeated attempts.

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The processes here are really very slow, I work in health and they have an appeals process after interviews so the whole thing is delayed even if someone doesn't appeal. It also has to cross several different peoples desks after interviews so can take ages.


One of the major hold ups for me has been getting references from overseas


Sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience.

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It's the same in other professions. I'm in sales and applied for a job last week selling products I'd previously sold in the UK. Sent my CV and cover letter and received a call from the national sales manager saying that he was looking to interview this week and could I complete a questionnaire that would be used at interview time. I sent this off and the heard nothing back. I called him on Monday and he said he was a bit busy and would call back, he didn't. I called again Tuesday and asked if I was still going to be interviewed. He sounded flustered and said he would talk to HR and call me back, he didn't. I called again Wednesday and he said he was in the middle of building a showroom display and could I call back after 4pm. I did at different times and, due to going straight to voicemail, left messages asking him to all back so I could get feedback on my application. He didn't.

I was looking for work for 9 months prior to present job and rarely received a response to applications or to requests for feedback. It's not easy and you just have to keep plugging away. I am not enjoying my current position due to a lack support from my sales manager but will do the best I can as it pays the bills until something improves. I wish you good luck in your search.

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I once had a client who got a call 6 months after the job interview to say he had got the job and could he start Monday, needless to say he had already got a job. The process is very slow here and they don't seem great with email correspondence. Maybe call back in person to some of the jobs. Also you will find some companies don't like to say no. Personally I would prefer them to say no than keep you hanging on.

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Welcome to Oz. Im back 20 years also. The job i did in the UK NHS is not here. They are,10\15 yrs behind but think they are in the forefront. It appears its not what you know but who you know. Hubbys trying to get alternate work from FiFO to be home every night. Most are trying to get into FIFO. He has 30 yrs + experience...

Anyone need a HD plant fitter come truck mechanic please contact. Good luck something will turn up. The main thing is your earning

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Welcome to Oz. Im back 20 years also. The job i did in the UK NHS is not here. They are,10\15 yrs behind but think they are in the forefront. It appears its not what you know but who you know. Hubbys trying to get alternate work from FiFO to be home every night. Most are trying to get into FIFO. He has 30 yrs + experience...

Anyone need a HD plant fitter come truck mechanic please contact. Good luck something will turn up. The main thing is your earning



Hi Elfie , I looked on Seek yesterday and there were a couple of jobs for truck and also farm plant stuff, just incase you've not seen it recently.

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I feel for you...but hang in there its early days...I know getting a job is a big part of the emigrating process and yes it's sure going to stress me out but think about the reasons why you have moved to Perth and what it has to offer you x Hope you get sorted soon.


Hi loulouskippy, yes I remember the reasons I moved to Perth, sadly I believed the whole "Aussies work to live, they finish early on a Friday to go surfing or pub, they don't work weekends to spend time with the family, they don't work passed 4pm"

All of this is not true!!! I work 8 to 5 and Saturday mornings until 1pm, im under paid for what I do because the Boss short changes us by saying we are salaried, which isn't what he told me when I started!

I work more now than I did at home working for myself!


Don't get me wrong, I am currently Pi$$ed off but I'm not ready to give up on it yet.

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I can sympathise.


I spent 18 months doing an average of 100 applications a week. All to a high standard with tailor made CV's for each and tailor made covering letters.


Of the permanent jobs I applied for, I only heard back from about a dozen. Normally a standard email response.


Of the temp / contracting jobs, I heard back even less. I did though have 3 interviews - one was two interviews for the same job. An initial and a second interview. I never heard back from either of them despite repeated attempts.


How you finding the job market in the UK? Have you noticed a change in the place since you left it to come to Oz?

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Hi Elfie , I looked on Seek yesterday and there were a couple of jobs for truck and also farm plant stuff, just incase you've not seen it recently.


Theres loads of jobs out there resume sentbon a regular basis. Does anyone reply???? Nope just the occassional, thank you for your interest....

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Aussies work to live, they finish early on a Friday to go surfing or pub, they don't work weekends to spend time with the family, they don't work passed 4pm"

It is in my (and plenty of my friends) situation. Have a look at the CBD pubs from about 3pm on a Friday. Heaving.


Beers at 3pm is common, and that's if I don't knock off early in summer.


Anyhow, good luck with the job hunt. You got one (crap) offer, now onto the next.

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@JaseandAnne.... so sorry to hear that things haven't gone well for you on the job front, and I hope that something comes along soon that suits you.


Meanwhile perhaps you could look at the positive that at least you have been earning for a few weeks and aren't spending your savings on living expenses.


I have never understood the laidback (and quite rude in some cases) attitude that some Australian employers display when recruiting staff. Fortunately not everyone is the same, but there does seem to be a fair few around. And Elfie is right when she says that very often it is who you know and not what you know.

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@JaseandAnne.... so sorry to hear that things haven't gone well for you on the job front, and I hope that something comes along soon that suits you.


Meanwhile perhaps you could look at the positive that at least you have been earning for a few weeks and aren't spending your savings on living expenses.


I have never understood the laidback (and quite rude in some cases) attitude that some Australian employers display when recruiting staff. Fortunately not everyone is the same, but there does seem to be a fair few around. And Elfie is right when she says that very often it is who you know and not what you know.

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@JaseandAnne.... so sorry to hear that things haven't gone well for you on the job front, and I hope that something comes along soon that suits you.


Meanwhile perhaps you could look at the positive that at least you have been earning for a few weeks and aren't spending your savings on living expenses.


I have never understood the laidback (and quite rude in some cases) attitude that some Australian employers display when recruiting staff. Fortunately not everyone is the same, but there does seem to be a fair few around. And Elfie is right when she says that very often it is who you know and not what you know.

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How you finding the job market in the UK? Have you noticed a change in the place since you left it to come to Oz?


I had a job offer before we left WA. In fact, once we decided to start looking at jobs in the UK and a potential move back, I was inundated with interviews. We are in the South in Berkshire and it seems the market is very high for jobs - masses available.


Changes - not too much. There are more eastern European people than I remembered, though not in the town where we live. But, Windsor is a VERY British town - this is a place with the shops all down the high street flying Union Jacks.


In many ways, I think England doesn't change very much over the years. In fact we were laughing at the weekend when I read the paper and noticed the ratings for what had been the most watched shows in the previous week and one of the most watched was Dads Army lol.

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@JaseandAnne I know picking up a salary relieves stress of having your own business, but have you thought about going mobile? Gumtree ad and see if you can pick up some work servicing etc. I'd appreciate an honest mechanic!


Some friends of ours mentioned this to me the other day and I think im going to look into it, I think I will take a job, if its offered, just so I can pick their brains as to where to go for parts and other things.


Yes I can see that there is definitely a trust issue here between motorist and motortrade, as someone said earlier, they think they are ahead of the game here but actually they are 20 years behind!!! Proper customer service is lacking but the BS is plentiful!!

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Some friends of ours mentioned this to me the other day and I think im going to look into it, I think I will take a job, if its offered, just so I can pick their brains as to where to go for parts and other things.


Yes I can see that there is definitely a trust issue here between motorist and motortrade, as someone said earlier, they think they are ahead of the game here but actually they are 20 years behind!!! Proper customer service is lacking but the BS is plentiful!!


You have experience of a small area, you can't possibly say it's like that everywhere else. My mechanic and garage in Joondalup are AMAZING! I've been here 11 years and can't fault them.

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