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Everything posted by ali

  1. ali

    Hi everyone!!

    Hi, welcome to the forum
  2. Great news - schools are pretty easy to register for once you're here with quick starts.
  3. Do you have a British Passport? Do you vote? (which would suggest you are a citizen). A quick google of 'how do I check if I have British citizenship by decent' - took me www.gov.uk website. It may be worth exploring that and i'm sure they will be able to point you in the right direction.
  4. Not flown Thai for a number of years - there are some recent reviews on trip adviser
  5. I remember doing our test - I swotted and hubby just rolled with it and read the book once lol-
  6. In what way is your agent not being useful? You may be right about the transition scheme as you have to have been working full time. Has your employer done the nomination? Do they have a permanent position for you? Do you need a skills assessment? Bridging visas are usually given at the point of a visa coming to an end and you having made a visa application for another visa. i haven't heard of difficulties getting the bridging visa from people who've posted on the boards but you have to check the travel rights etc., (and maybe apply for a different bridging visa than the one given).
  7. Personally, I would tend to not work near to where I lived - partly to help the work life balance and home/work separate. I do wonder if some of the GP turnover is due to temporary visa's, but also in the suburbs I work, you do get some GP's leaving one practise and going with another. I would think about the area's you might want to live (as you've already done), then look at what you feel is an acceptable commutable distance. When we first moved, I had to go back to working on the wards and as it also entailed nights, I didn't want to travel more than 30 min - like you, I wanted to spend more time at home with the family and travelling over an hour each way to work didn't float my boat lol. If you can narrow down some area's - then i'd just google GP practices in those areas and send out a few exploratory emails - when we were making the move I did find a lot of people very generous with their time in pointing me in the right direction. If you're using a migration agent - make sure their MARA registered. I look forward to hearing more about your journey. We certainly feel the move has been worth it (12 years have gone very quickly), we feel very much at home and content. My daughter (now 24) comments a lot about being thankful she had her teenage years here. Perth can get a bit of a slating for being isolated, boring and nothing for young adults to do … we've found none of that and my two have always found things to do.
  8. I work in health care as a MH nurse. Whilst I feel that I have a better work life balance (perhaps because the children are now young adults), I do work 40 hours a week. My husband is a broadcasting engineer and works similar hours plus on call. Even though we do sometimes bring work home, we do feel more relaxed here .. but there is a daily grind that irrespective of where you're living you'll encounter. Realistically, it's hard to re-establish yourselves in new jobs/careers but the initial efforts IMHO are well worth it. My daughter graduated with her masters in education last year, there are few permanent teaching contracts - she was employed for 6 months last year and they offered her a years contract for this year. It's possible that you may initially have to settle for short term or casual contracts. You will need to look into what's required for registration, but I know that you need to have the equivalent of a 4 year degree. I'm not sure how GP's work- if you work for a practice or buy into a practice as a partner? I've noticed with the GP surgeries we deal with, some seem to have a very static bunch of Dr's whilst other (usually the larger ones) seem to change quite frequently. I updated a GP list last week that I'd done last year and one practice didn't have one Dr they had the year before. He may have to look at full time initially to get his foot in the door and then reduce to part time. Your chosen areas of Freo and the Hills are two of the more expensive suburbs. Cars don't depreciate the same here and 2nd hand are more expensive than in the UK. I know smart salary do leasing schemes for cars (I'm a public employee so have access to that .. not sure about private practice), but there is a penalty for ending the lease early. As we both work full time, we've been very lucky to have a number of overseas holidays (my hubby loves the fact the young adults no longer want to come with us and keeps saying that everything is half price lol), travel interstate can be expensive. We did bring all our furniture over as the cost of replacing everything new would have been far more expensive than the cost of the container. It also allowed us the luxury of finding out the bargains and buying when something needed replacing rather than impulse buys because we needed something right away. it's great to get all the information you can in order to start the process. Perhaps your husband can enquire if surgeries are sponsoring? (some are managed by large companies like St. John of God). ETA - you can do a virtual shop on Woolworths or Coles websites and look at properties on realestate.com.au for ideas of rent prices.
  9. It may be worth having a chat to George Lombard (Registered Agent), I think he has some expertise regarding medical issues and visa's.
  10. I don't know much about GP practises and if you can work part time - you may struggle if you're both only working part time to buy/run two cars. I would say when thinking of suburbs is to look at where your jobs are firstly - no good living in Rockingham and getting a job in Joondalup unless you like a long commute. You'll be looking at quite a few thousand for the visa alone, then medicals and also flights, shipping fees, at least 10,000 GPB (low estimate) which doesn't include first months rent, bond etc.,
  11. Not quite sure what you're asking @Medway
  12. I've heard move cube are pretty good.
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum. If you check our guidelines, it will give you our business rules regarding advertising your business (you are allowed to do this in your signature .. quoting your ABN is also a good idea).
  14. Albeit a long time ago now (12 years), we made the move in January. Our reasons were very much around new year new start, enjoying a last Christmas with the rellies and making the leap soon after. Additionally (and more importantly) our daughter 11 at the time was in year 7 and had started high school in the UK, but at the time, year 7 in WA was the last year of primary school and we wanted her to have a complete year of finding her feet before going to high school (again). Can't comment about the rental situation (although i'm sure you'd get fixed up), if you're looking at a holiday rent initially - book in advance
  15. I think a lot of people make the move anticipating that they won't find work right away. Sometimes, it's knocking on doors with your CV too. From my experience in nursing, a lot of UK applicants don't get past the shortlisting as they don't address the selection criteria well enough. Migrating is such a massive step to undertake and really does need a great deal of thought. I'm not sure about the 'aussie dream' .. I don't think we were influenced by anything other than having a holiday here and my hubby saying "I think I could live in Australia" and 18 months later - we were here lol. I do I think it's natural to have cold feet (or is it just being realistic?), - it wasn't until we got our visa that I actually thought that it was going to happen and sat on the plane I remember thinking "oh my god, this is it - we're leaving'. I think you have to think of the what if's and how you'll cope with that.
  16. The best place to look for jobs would be seek.com - it will give you an idea on what's available. It's more attractive to employers to have your visa in hand.
  17. To the OP, in your case, I would ask your GP if they can summarise the test they have done and the results (you may need to pay). The GP here will probably conduct their own blood tests but at least they will have a set of results to compare it to. They may refer your daughter to the children's hospital. Generally, all children are bulk billed, even if the GP practise is private. Some bloods tests are not covered by Medicare but the most common ones are.
  18. If an RMA has told you that you only need 3 years, then they will be far more knowledgeable about the requirements than us amateurs on the forum. Have the agents just responded to your general questions on the forums or have you sought actual advise and discussed your case in detail with them? More than once the RMA's on our sister site will say it is difficult to offer advice with just general information without knowing complexities of a case. The will give general advice on a forum, but you will need to pay them in order for them to look at your case particularly. I think Aussie bird, that you're trying to get information for the same question from so many different sources that that you are confusing yourself. Remember, the immigration laws change constantly and the RMA's will have updates long before us.
  19. Asda sell Angostura Bitters
  20. I guess the question to ask is what make you leave Australia to go back to the UK and will those reasons crop up again when you're there? If you feel that you want to delay due to the potential health difficulties of aged parents - then you may find that when the time comes to make the move again - you/your husband will be of an age where it's difficult to find work. The children older and don't want to move as a family etc.,
  21. Would you have arrival stamps for the other countries you've visited?
  22. by some bitters and use sprite (if they have it) - that's what they made me in Canada
  23. I think it's a good idea to pace yourself rather than get into a panic. I don't know if they will still have all your evidence on file (don't know how long they are obligated to keep them for), but certainly they'll have evidence that they granted your hubby a visa. I wouldn't overload the application with too many photo's … don't know how long you've been together, but perhaps one from each year?
  24. You're in the position of having applied and been granted before so at somewhat of an advantage I think. Perhaps your hubby could carry some of the load as your head is spinning (it's his visa after all lol). I don't think it's changed other than if the copies are colour i'm not sure if they have to be certified. I don't know about the limit for documents - my visa (independent skilled) was applied for in 2006 and a paper one
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