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Not looking forward to this next week.


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After a blaze of blood samples - reminds me I still need to submit a poo sample tomorrow Yuk! Got every damned test known to man coming up including a camera both ways at the same time :eek: then got to jump back on a long haul flight to work.


And the worst bit is the diet. Or so they call it. It's called zero to crap food :arghh:

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VS I work in endoscopy doing cameras in every orifice except the ear. It's not as bad as you think. Don't know if you've had a sedative before but you probably won't remember any of the procedure. The bowel prep they give you is osmotic so the more clear fluids you drink the cleaner your bowel will be so drink plenty. If you wanna ask me any questions pm me.


If you can't see any tubes of KY jelly when you get there, turn around and go home ha ha.


Bottoms up.



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Poor you! Wonderful detox I guess though!


I had a camera up my nose and down my throat yesterday. Had a local anaesthetic to numb it but still a little uncomfortable. The doc told me some people can do this with out any. I wanted to tell him that in my Uni days I saw a guy stuff a condom up his nose and pull it out through his mouth and do a sawing action with it. Revolting. Certainly didn't have anaesthetic for that!


It was interesting to see my voice box move as I spoke. Not sure I would want to see up my jacksie though! Anyway, got the all clear so pleasing result.


All the best Stormy. Just think yourself lucky you're not a lady. We have to get used to invasive examinations. Goes with the equipment. :swoon:

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Poor you! Wonderful detox I guess though!


I had a camera up my nose and down my throat yesterday. Had a local anaesthetic to numb it but still a little uncomfortable. The doc told me some people can do this with out any. I wanted to tell him that in my Uni days I saw a guy stuff a condom up his nose and pull it out through his mouth and do a sawing action with it. Revolting. Certainly didn't have anaesthetic for that!


It was interesting to see my voice box move as I spoke. Not sure I would want to see up my jacksie though! Anyway, got the all clear so pleasing result.


All the best Stormy. Just think yourself lucky you're not a lady. We have to get used to invasive examinations. Goes with the equipment. :swoon:



Made me chuckle.... :cute:

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l hope its not due to trying to swallow a pink diamond................. it brings a new meaning to top to toe check out.

After a blaze of blood samples - reminds me I still need to submit a poo sample tomorrow Yuk! Got every damned test known to man coming up including a camera both ways at the same time :eek: then got to jump back on a long haul flight to work.


And the worst bit is the diet. Or so they call it. It's called zero to crap food :arghh:

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After a blaze of blood samples - reminds me I still need to submit a poo sample tomorrow Yuk! Got every damned test known to man coming up including a camera both ways at the same time :eek: then got to jump back on a long haul flight to work.


And the worst bit is the diet. Or so they call it. It's called zero to crap food :arghh:



hope it goes well VS and you get the results you want.

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If it is a colonoscopy you are having then the worst bit is the six hours after you drink the clear out powder the day before. You'll be sitting on the loo for several hours. Buy some hemaroid cream and the softest toilet paper you can find because you will have a sore bum! On the liquid only day you are allowed jelly. I found that really good as you could kid yourself you were eating something solid. The actual op is a piece of cake as you are asleep.

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Just an update. Had the procedure yesterday afternoon and it was fine. I was knocked out and don't remember anything except waking up in the recovery room.


Pretty sore today as they removed a number of exceptionally large polyps.


Pretty glad to be able to eat again!!!


The good thing is that I was supposed to fly back to work today but the doc has ordered me not to fly for 2 weeks as we don't have access to medical care and there is a significant risk of a bleed for the first two weeks. So got a nice shiny letter giving me two weeks at home.

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Lol. I deserve lots of sympathy ;)


The wind hasn't been "too bad" though the wife might disagree.


The pain is pretty uncomfortable today, but given they removed half a dozen big chunks out of me, then I guess that should be expected (half a dozen polyps each about the size of a 50c piece)


Work were ok, but haven't moved my deadlines so got to work from home / Perth office.

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